Kapital sozialaren garrantzia familia enpresetan
Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas = Enpresen Zuzendaritza eta Administrazio Aldizkaria (22):75-92 (2015)
[EU]Kapital sozialaren ikuspegian oinarriturik eta kotizatu gabeko 172 familiaenpresa
espainiarren lagin bat erabiliz, barne hartuz enpresan kudeaketa-funtzioak betetzen dituzten pertsona elkarrizketatu bi eta guztira 344 galdetegi izanik, uste dugu
kapital sozial familiarrak bitartekari gisa balio duela kapital sozial ez-familiarraren eta enpresaren jardueraren artean. Gainera, gure emaitzek kapital sozialaren ulermena
familia-enpresatik haratago hedatzen dute, erakundeek talde sozial nagusi baten
presentzia ezaugarritzat duten testuinguru batean. [EN]Based on a social capital approach and using a sample of 172 Spanish non-listed family firms, including two respondents with managerial functions per firm and amounting to 344 questionnaires in total, we test the effects of family and non-family social capital on firm performance. We also contend
that family social capital serves as a mediator between non-family social capital and firm performance. Results from a structural equation model indicate that both forms
of social capital are key tools in family firm performance. In addition, our results e
xtend the understanding of social capital beyond family firms in a context where orga
nisations are characterised by the presence of a dominant social group.