Magnetoimpedance sensitive element that consists of one FeNi[125 nm]/Cu[3 nm])3FeNi[125 nm]/Cu[500 nm]/(FeNi[125 nm]/Cu[3 nm])3/FeNi[125 nm] multilayered structure was designed for the magnetic field detection in the wide range angular interval and its magnetoimpedance was measured experimentally. Double rectangle sensitive element with improved performance was proposed on the basis of mathematical modelling. This simulation was used for optimizing the topology of a wide angle magnetic field sensor equipped with a sensitive element that consists of two crossed multilayered stripes. The creation of magnetoimpedance element, where the measuring response is independent or only slightly dependent on the angle of application of the external magnetic field-is an necessary requirement for the techniques of detection stray fields of complex configuration with unpredictable dynamics. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.