Nolako gorputz-jarrerak, halako genero rolak: irudiaren alfabetizazioan jarduteko esku-hartzea
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Sanchez Fernandez, Ariane
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[EUS] Ikerketa lan honetan, publizitateak ekoiztutako hainbat iragarkietan azaltzen diren
gorputz-jarrerak aztertzearen bitartez, Amurrioko Virgen Niña Ikastetxeko Lehen
Hezkuntzako 6. mailako ikasleei irudien alfabetizazioan trebatzeko aukera eskaintzen zaie.
Horretarako, Yolanda Dominguez artista bisualaren Poses lana oinarritzat hartuta, eskuhartze
bat diseinatu eta praktikan ipintzen da, bereziki modako iragarkietan agertzen diren
balio eta giza kulturalki kutsatutako gorputz- jarrerak biluztea helburu duena. Horrek ikasleak
genero rolekin lotutako estereotipoak kuestionatzera eta ikuspuntu kritiko batetik aztertzera
eraman ditu. Irudia aztertzearekin batera, ikasleek irudiaren sorkuntzan ere lan egin dute.
Foto-muntaiaren bitartez, irudi ezberdinen protagonista nagusiak bilakatu dira eta gainera,
irudi horiek erabili dituzte prozesuaren azken fasean eskatu zaien sormen lan bat burutzeko.
Ikerketa lan honek erakutsi du ikasleek publizitatean, zein oro har hedabide ezberdinetan
agertzen diren irudiak modu pasiboan kontsumitzen jarraitzen dituztela, honek etorkizunean
ekar diezaieketen kalteez ohartu gabe. Erronka honen aurrean, proposatu den eskuhartzearen
bitartez, ikasleek irudiek norberaren identitatean, harremanetan, zein
jokabideetan daukaten eraginaz ohartzen hasi dira eta hasiera batean oharkabe moduan
jaso dituzten estereotipoak zalantzetan ipintzen hasi dira. [EN] In this research study, the students of Primary 6 of The Virgen Niña School of
Amurrio have the possibility to improve their abilities in images literacy by the analysis of the
attitudes which appear in different advertisements. For this purpose, it is designed and
practiced an intervention based on the work of the visual artist Yolanda Dominguez called
Poses, specifically aimed at nudging the body infected with the ideological and human ideals
that appear in fashion ads. This has led students to question stereotypes related to gender
roles and to analyze them from a critical point of view. Along with analyzing the image,
students have also worked on image creation. Through photo montage, they have become
the main protagonists of different images and have used these images to carry out a creative
work that was requested in the final phase of the process. This research has shown that
students in advertising continue to consume the images in a passive way, without realizing
the damage it can suppose for them in the future. In front of this challenge, through the
intervention which has been proposed, students begin to notice the influence of images on
their own identity, their relationships, their behaviors, and they start to doubt the stereotypes
they have received at the beginning unconsciously.