Views of students with disabilities about their experience in secondary education in the Basque Country, Spain
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 16(S1) : 1090–1094 (2016)
Although most of the students with intellectual anddevelopmental disabilities have access to andsome even have completed secondary educationin Spain, there are few studies that deepen on thestudents’ views about their educational experience.The research team consisted of universityresearchers and professionals from a non-govern-mental organisation of people with disabilities.Three questionnaires were carried out, each oneaddressing a sample of key agents: students, theirfamilies and educators. Qualitative and quantitativeanalysis presented focus on answers given by stu-dents. They positively value school climate, andadmit having friends and receiving help fromclassmates and teachers. Some have suffered bul-lying, but they know whom to ask for help. Opin-ions about their educational experience in classare tackled. They talk about methodologicalapproaches used by teachers to make learningaccessible and meaningful. It should be highlightedthat they underline approaches that let themdevelop their autonomy and skills for adult life