Inconel 718 aleaziozko pieza asimetriko baten konformatzea prentsa gabe?
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Gil Vildósola, Ariadna
Rodríguez Ezquerro, Adrián
Iriondo Plaza, Edurne
Penalva Oscoz, Mariluz
Ortiz Edesa, Mikel
López de Lacalle Marcaide, Luis Norberto
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Ekaia N. Extra : 57-70 (2019)
This article upholds the possibility of forming an aeronautical component made of In-conel 718 sheet by means of Incremental Sheet Forming and without using a forming press. The re-search work presented aims to validate the operation of the hydrostatic ball burnishing as a strategy to improve the surface quality of an aeronautical component of Inconel 718, previously shaped by Asymetric Incremetal Sheet Forming (AISF). The combination of both processes, burnishing on AISF, has a very high level of innovation and is a pioneer in its application on an industrial component made of this high performance nickel-chromium alloy. The surface quality of the incrementally shaped component has been studied to subsequently apply a burnishing by means of the hydrostatic ball. The results obtained confirm the feasibility of the proposed strategy, with a reduction in roughness ranges between 20 and 65%, depending on the area treated.; Artikulu honek berresten du posible dela Inconel 718 aleaziozko pieza asimetriko bat prentsa gabe konformatzea. Aurkeztutako ikerketa-lanak bola bidezko leunketa hidrostatikoaren erren-dimendua balioztatzeko asmoa du, aurrez inkrementalki konformatutako Inconel 718 aleazio aeronauti-koko piezetan. Lanaren helburua pieza aeronautikoen gainazal akaberaren optimizazioa da. Konforma-zio inkrementalaren eta bola-leunketaren konbinazioa balioztatzeak berrikuntza-maila handia aurkezten du eta aitzindaria da bere aplikazioan. Pieza konformatuaren gainazalaren kalitatea aztertu ondoren bola bidezko leunketa hidrostatikoa aplikatu da. Egindako emaitzek baieztatu dute proposatutako estrategia-ren bideragarritasuna, zimurtasuna %33 eta % 70 artean murriztea, tratatutako eremuaren arabera.