Forma-memoria poliuretano biobateragarriak
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Sierra, Saioa
Veloso Fernández, Antonio
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Ekaia 40 : 273-289 (2021)
Plastics are increasingly used in the field of biomedicine, but their use in some cases requires biocompatibility. Thus, the development of biocompatible plastics is a mandatory challenge. The polyurethanes are very used materials, owing to their variability and multiple applications, among which are the polyurethanes with shape memory. These, with their singular features, like the capacity to change their shape when receiving an external stimulus, have reached the utility in the fields where others did not. On the other hand, the biodegradability and the toxicity of the materials is another important matter to consider, with the aim of reducing pollution. In fact, there is still so much progress to work on in the synthesis of the non-harmful materials for the environment. Therefore, in this work it will go in depth about biocompatible shape-memory polyurethanes.; Plastikoak gero eta gehiago erabiltzen diren materialak dira biomedikuntzaren arloan, baina beharrezkoa da material horiek arlo honetako zenbait kasutan erabiltzeko biobateragarriak izatea. Horren ondorioz, ezinbesteko erronka da plastiko biobateragarrien garapena. Poliuretanoak oso konposatu erabiliak dira, dituzten aldakortasun eta aplikazio ugariei esker. Horien artean, forma-memoria duten poliuretanoak daude. Horiek estimulu baten aurrean forma aldatzeko gaitasuna dute, eta, horrela, erabilgarriak izan daitezke beste polimero batzuekin lortu ezin diren aplikazioetan. Bestalde, garrantzitsua da materialen biobateragarritasuna eta toxikotasuna ezagutzea eta aztertzea, kutsadura murrizteko helburuarekin. Izan ere, gaur egun, oraindik garapen handia falta da ingurumena kaltetzen ez duten materialen sintesian. Lan honetan, biobateragarriak diren forma-memoria poliuretanoetan sakonduko da.