Lizarraldea ikastetxeko DBH 1. eta 3. mailako gorputz hezkuntzako azterketa pedagogikoa
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Landa Gaviria, Asier
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[EUS] Lan honetan Lizarraldea BHI ikastetxeko heziketa fisikoko saioetako azterketa pedagogikoa egin da. Bertan DBH 1.G eta 3.G klaseetan egindako ariketak erregistratu eta sailkatu dira. Klaseen behaketa osotara 12 aste iraun du, 2020ko Abendutik 2021eko Martxoak arte.
Sailkapena egiteko ariketen barne logika kontutan izan da, harreman sozialak, denbora, espazioa eta tresnen erabilera aztertuz. Honetaz gain, egindako ariketak, irakasleek, eskolak eta Nafarroako gobernuak proposatutako helburuekin bat datozen aztertu da, betebeharrak egin diren edo ez ikusiz. [EN] In this work, a pedagogical analysis of the physical education sessions of the Lizarraldea BHI secondary school has been made. In order to do the analysis, the exercises carried out in the 1st and 3rd year of secondary education were recorded and classified. The observation of the classes was made during 12 weeks, since December 2020 until March 2021. For doing the classification, the internal logic of the exercises has been taken into account. Therefore, social relationships, time, space and the use of tools have been studied. In addition to this, the study if the exercises match the objectives of the teachers, the school and the government of Navarre has been made.