Gerra eta haren ondorioak erromatar inperioan: Trajanoren zutabea
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Ezkurra Kaltzada, Mikel
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[EUS] Erromatar Inperioan gudak izan zitzakeen ondorioak ulertzea da lan honen helburu
nagusia. Horretarako, Trajanoren Daziako Kanpainiak hartuko ditugu aztergai, K.o. II.
mendeko Europa ekialdean kokatuz1
. Bertan, gatazka belikoaren arrazoiak eta nondik
norakoak ulertzen ahaleginduko gara eta, batez ere, Trajanoren zutabea iturri nagusiz hartuz
ondorioak zerrendatu, sailkatu eta azalduko ditugu, historiografia modernoa eta iturri literario
klasikoak erabiliz. [EN] The main purpose of this essay is to understand the consequences that war had in the
Roman Empire. In order to analyse that, we will focus on Trajan's Dacian Wars, located in
Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 2nd century. Based on that conflict we will try to
understand the reasons and the development of the war, using Trajan’s columns as the main
source to clasify and explain the consequences of it. At the same time, we will use modern
bibliography and classic literary sources to complete the information needed to fulfill our