3. eta 4. DBHko heziketa fisikoko klaseen azterketa pedagogikoa
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Aguirre Huerga, Josu
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[EUS] Gradu amaierako lan honetan Bilboko ikastetxe bateko heziketa fisikoko klaseen azterketa pedagogikoa egin da. Gainera, azterketa egin eta gero, emaitzak ikastetxearen helburuekin eta irakasleak jarritako edukiekin bat datozen aztertu da ere. Azkenik, bi mailetan erabilitako ariketen arteko konparaketa ere egin da. Hau guztia egiteko, ikastetxera joan gara, han saioei buruz datuak lortzeko eta gero hauek sailkatu ahal izateko. Bi klase erabili dira hau aurrera eramateko, 3. mailako klase bat eta 4. mailako beste bat.
Ariketen sailkapena egiteko barne logikan oinarritu gara eta erabaki hartzeak baldintzatzen duten 4 harremanak erabili ditugu: denbora, espazioa, tresnak eta harreman pertsonalak. Hauek erabiliz, egindako ariketa eta joko-jolas guztiak sailkatu egin dira, gero hauen analisia egin ahal izateko. Behin datuak izanda, irakasleak jarritako edukiekin eta ikastetxeak jarritako helburuekin bat datozen aztertu da. Amaitzeko, bi mailetan lortutako emaitzak konparatu dira, maila bakoitzean ariketa mota desberdinak erabiltzen diren jakiteko. [EN] In this final degree thesis, a pedagogical study of the physical education classes at a high school has
been carried out. In addition, once the analysis has been carried out, the correspondence of the results
with the objectives of the center and with the contents provided by the teachers has been analyzed.
Finally, a comparison has also been made between the exercises used in both courses. For this
purpose, we went to the high school to obtain data on the sessions so we were able to classify them.
Two classes have been used to carry this out, a 3rd grade class and a 4th grade class.
To make the classification we have based ourselves on internal logic and we have used the 4
relationships that condition decision making: time, space, tools and personal relationships. Through
them, all the exercises and games carried out have been classified for their subsequent analysis. The
adequacy of the data to the contents provided by the teacher and to the objectives set by the center
has been analyzed. Finally, the results obtained in both courses have been compared in order to know
if different types of exercises are used in each of them.