We characterize the role of roton instability in the formation of a supersolid state of an elongated dipolar condensate, following a quench of the contact interactions across the superfluid-supersolid transition, as observed in recent experiments. We perform dynamical simulations by means of the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation including quantum corrections, for different final values of the s−wave scattering length. The corresponding excitation spectrum is computed using an effective one-dimensional description, which provides a reasonably accurate prediction for the growth rate of the most unstable mode observed in the simulations. To analyze the behavior of the system, we employ the inverse participation ratio, which conveniently characterizes the different degree of localization in the superfluid and supersolid phases. By means of a suitable effective ansatz for the density, we derive a simple yet effective expression for the formation time of the supersolid. This expression provides valuable insights regarding its scaling behavior with respect to the s-wave scattering length.