The exploration and appropriation of the underground environment in the Palaeolithic: an approach from geology and rock art
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Intxaurbe Alberdi, Iñaki
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[EN]The main aim of this doctoral thesis has been to analyse objectively and quantitatively the appropriation and exploration of endokarst by Palaeolithic human groups. This has been carried out through the geomorphological study of several caves decorated with rock art by Magdalenian societies in the central Bay of Biscay, using digital tools such as geographic information systems (GIS) and 3D technology.Firstly, the processes and modifications occurring in these cavities have been identified, stratigraphically ordered, and chronologically assigned to the best extent possible. The aim has been to understand as precisely as possible the layout and morphology of the cavity during its use in the Late Glacial period (ca. 18.5-13.5 ka).From this, digital methodologies have been developed and applied to investigate the role played by endokarstic morphology in the exploration and appropriation of the underground environment by Upper Palaeolithic societies. Using digital and 3D technology, spatial studies (accessibility, visibility, and capacity) of these caves have been conducted, aiming to identify common patterns in the selection of decorated spaces through analytical statistics, as well as to help measure the cost and effort invested by these prehistoric societies in these unique environments. [EU]Doktore-tesi honen helburu nagusia Paleolitoko giza taldeek endokarstean egindako esplorazioak eta espazioen bereganatzeak objektiboki eta kuantitatiboki aztertzea izan da. Bizkaiko Golkoko Madeleine aldiko gizarteek labar artez apaindutako hainbat kobazuloren azterketa geomorfologikoari esker egin da hori, baita tresna digitalak erabiliz ere, hala nola informazio geografikoko sistemak (IGS) eta 3D teknologia.
Lehenik eta behin, barrunbe horietan gertatu diren prozesuak eta eraldaketak identifikatu, estratigrafikoki ordenatu eta kronologikoki ahalik eta gehien esleitu dira. Helburua, barrunbeek Glaziar aldi berantiarrean (ggb. duela 18,5-13,5 mila urte) zuten topografia eta morfologia ahalik eta zehazkien ulertzea izan da.
Hortik abiatuta, metodologia digitalak garatu eta aplikatu dira, morfologia endokarstikoak Goi Paleolitoko gizarteek lurpeko ingurunea esploratzeko eta bereganatzeko egin zuten ahaleginetan izan zuen eragina ikertzeko. Teknologia digitala eta 3D-ak erabiliz, haitzulo horien azterketa espazialak egin dira (irisgarritasuna, ikusgaitasuna eta aterpe-gaitasuna), espazio apainduen hautaketan eredu komunak identifikatzeko estatistika analitikoen bidez, bai eta historiaurreko gizarte horiek ingurune berezi horietan inbertitutako kostua eta ahalegina neurtzen laguntzeko ere.