Argumentazioaren teoriaren historia
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Huizi Petrikorena, Pello
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Gogoa (24) : 117-145 (2024)
Lan honen helburua, historian zehar garatu diren argumentazioari buruzko teoria nagusiak -edo horietako batzuk, hobeto esanda- aurkeztea da. Antzinako Greziatik abiatuko gara: sofistak eta, batez ere, Aristoteles hartuko ditugu gogoan. Gero, Erromazaharrera joango gara: Zizeronen eta Kintilianoren lanen oinarriak azalduko ditugu, eta baita egile ezagunik ez duen Rhetorica ad Herenniumenak ere. Hurrengo atala argumentazio-teorien gainbehera luzeari eskainiko diogu. Ondoren, Stephen Toulminek eta Chaïm Perelmanek 1958an argumentazioari buruz egindako ikerketak, eta horiek eragin zuten berpizkundea, aipatuko ditugu. Eta, azken atalean, egile horien lan aitzindariari jarraituz, azken hamarkadetan egin diren ekarpenik garrantzitsuenak aztertuko ditugu.; The aim of this work is to present the main theories on argumentation developed through history, or rather some of them. We will start from ancient Greece, taking into account the sophists and above all Aristotle. Then, we will go to ancient Rome, to show the basics of the works of Cicero and Quintilian and also the Rhetorica ad Herennium, due to an anonymous author. We will offer the next section to the long declining of argumentation theory. After that, we will make reference to the renaissance of the studies on argumentation leaded by Stephen Toulmin eta Chaïm Perelman, in 1958. And, in the last section, following the pioneer work of those authors, we will analyse some of the relevant contributions appeared in the last decades.