Now showing items 41447-41466 of 42043

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      W.P.Roberts: Su papel en el cartismo y los sindicatos como militante y abogado: Una historiografía socio-lingüística de las relaciones sociales 

      MacAlevey, William F. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 1996)
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      W2CWM2C reloaded: Ten years later[Formula presented] 

      Polanco-Martínez, J.M. (Software Impacts, 2023)
      We present an updated version v2.2 of the R package W2CWM2C (a graphical tool for wavelet (cross) correlation and multiple wavelet (cross) correlation analysis) v1.0. W2CWM2C contains a set of R functions that improve the ...
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      WACline: A Software Product Line to harness heterogeneity in Web Annotation 

      Medina Camacho, Haritz ORCID; Díaz García, Oscar; Garmendia Díaz, Xabier ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-06)
      [EN] A significant amount of research project funding is spent creating customized annotation systems, reinventing the wheel once and again, developing the same common features. In this paper, we present WACline, a Software ...
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      Wage differentials between Permanent and Temporal Contracts: Further Evidence 

      De la Rica Goiricelaya, Sara ORCID; Felgueroso, Florentino (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002-02)
      The main objective of this paper is to estimate wage differentials between permanent and temporal workers for different qualification levels and decompose such differentials to see which factors contribute more to explain ...
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      Wage differentials between permanent and temporary workers: Firm and occupational segregation 

      De la Rica Goiricelaya, Sara ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2003)
      The main issue of this paper is to measure the impact of segregation of workers with fixed-term contracts into low-paying firms and low-paying occupations within the same firm to explain wage gaps between these workers and ...
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      Wage stickiness and unemployment fluctuations: an alternative approach 

      Casares, Miguel; Moreno, Antonio; Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (Springer, 2012-09)
      Erceg et al. (J Monet Econ 46:281-313, 2000) introduce sticky wages in a New-Keynesian general-equilibrium model. Alternatively, it is shown here how wage stickiness may bring unemployment fluctuations into a New-Keynesian ...
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      WagonRun and AngryBoxes: Videojuegos que captan tu personalidad 

      Gallaga Fernández, Joseba; Espino Gómez, David (2017-10-06)
      El mercado del videojuego ha conseguido un gran incremento y aceptación entre la ciudadanía hasta convertirse en uno de los mercados que más dinero mueve junto a otro tipo de entretenimiento como las películas o la música. ...
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      Wahoo kickr arrabolaren balidapen eta fidagarritasunaren ebaluaketa srm-arekin konparatuz 

      Otxoteko Arlegi, Irati (2016-12-27)
      Ikerketa honen helburua Wahoo KICKR arrabolaren (Wahoo Fitness, Atlanta, GA) balidazio eta fidagarritasuna baloratzea da, potentziometroetan Gold Standard-a den SRM potentziometroarekin (Jülich, Alemania) konparatuz. ...
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      Wait long and prosper! Delaying production alleviates its detrimental effect on word learning 

      Kapnoula, Efthymia C.; Samuel, Arthur G. (Taylor & Francis, 2023)
      Recent work by Baese-Berk and Samuel (Baese-Berk, M. M., & Samuel, A. G. (2022). Just give it time: Differential effects of disruption and delay on perceptual learning. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(3), 960–980.) ...
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      El wako en las costas de China durante el periodo Ming 

      Nieto Jabato, David (2017-11-24)
      El wakô es un fenómeno datado por primera vez en el siglo V en Corea, aunque no llegará a su máximo esplendor hasta el siglo XVI, con el emperador Jianjing (perteneciente a la dinastía Ming). Según la terminología china, ...
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      Walafrido Estrabon: "Hortulus" (zati aukeratuak): sarrera, itzulpena eta oharrak 

      Laskibar Górriz, Erkuden (2020-11-24)
      Hortulusen euskarazko itzulpenaren inguruan antolatuta dagoen lan hau hiru ataletan egituratzen da: sarrera, testuaren itzulpena eta oharrak. Sarrera lan hau justifikatu eta ulertzeko beharrezkoak diren aspektuak ...
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      Walforf pedagogia, hezkuntzan espiritualtasunari leku bat egiten 

      Alcázar Almarza, Nagore (2021-10-22)
      [EUS] GRAL honetan Waldorf pedagogiara hurbilketa bat egiten da, hala nola pedagogia horren iturri filosofiko-espiritualetara. Pedagogia horren sortzaileak, Rudolf Steiner-ek, proposatzen dituen printzipio horien ...
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      Walkability Analyzer 

      Caballero García, Jessica (2018-10-31)
      El conocido como "miedo al delito" o inseguridad afecta a la calidad de vida, provocando que los ciudadanos eviten ciertos espacios públicos, influenciando la elección del modo de transporte e interfiriendo en la toma de ...
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      Walkability capturer 

      Puerto Caldero, David (2016-12-01)
      Aplicación móvil que recogerá las rutas a pie realizadas por el usuario para, posteriormente, analizar su Walkability.
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      Walker-like domain wall breakdown in layered antiferromagnets driven by staggered spin-orbit fields 

      Otxoa, Ruben M.; Roy, P. E.; Rama Eiroa, Ricardo; Godinho, J.; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Wunderlich, J. (Nature, 2020-10-29)
      Within linear continuum theory, no magnetic texture can propagate faster than the maximum group velocity of the spin waves. Here, by atomistic spin dynamics simulations and supported by analytical theory, we report that a ...
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      Walking Ethnography: the polyphonies of space in an urban landscape 

      Urquijo Arregui, Miren ORCID (Taylor & Francis, 2023-06-01)
      This article has two aims. The first is to reflect on the suitability of walking in ethnography, as a form of embodied and social knowing, where both the sensory and emotional perceptions evoked during the walk and the ...
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      Walter Benjamin: El paseante y la ciudad 

      Carrera Álvarez, Pilar (2004-06-02)
      Esta tesis se ocupa de la ciudad como imagen recurrente en la obra de Walter Benjamin y en la que se precisa su concepción de la pequeña forma, y del paseante como generador de imágenes del recuerdo. Se trata de ofrecer ...
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      The wanderings of a social type in eighteenth-century England and France 

      Losada Friend, María (Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, 1994)
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      Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications 

      Pizzi, Giovanni; Vitale, Valerio; Nomura, Yusuke; Paulatto, Lorenzo; Ponce, Samuel; Arita, Ryotaro; Bluegel, Stefan; Freimuth, Frank; Géranton, Guillaume; Gibertini, Marco; Gresch, Dominik; Johnson, Charles; Koretsune, Takashi; Ibañez Azpiroz, Julen; Lee, Hyungjun; Lihm, Jae-Mo; Marchand, Daniel; Marrazzo, Antimo; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Mustafa, Jamal Ibrahim; Nohara, Yoshiro; Ponweiser, Thomas; Qiao, Junfeng; Thöle, Florian; Tsirkin, Stepan S.; Wierzbowska, Malgorzata; Marzari, Nicola; Vanderbilt, David; Souza, Ivo; Mostofi, Arash A.; Yates, Jonathan R. (IOP Science, 2020-04-17)
      Wannier90 is an open-source computer program for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used electronic-structure codes thanks to its independence ...
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      Want to quickly adapt to distorted speech and become a better listener? Read lips, not text 

      Pourhashemi, Faezeh; Baart, Martij; van Laarhoven, Thijs; Vroomen, Jean (PLOS, 2022)
      When listening to distorted speech, does one become a better listener by looking at the face of the speaker or by reading subtitles that are presented along with the speech signal? We examined this question in two experiments ...