Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Economía financiera I"
Now showing items 1-20 of 87
A generational perspective of family firms' social capital: Interplay between ethical leadership and firm performance
(Wiley, 2023-04)This study proposes and tests a model that integrates ethical leadership, internal social capital, and firm performance in small- and medium-sized family firms at different generational stages. Using the upper echelons ... -
An exploratory study of the pressures and ethical dilemmas in the audit conflict
(Elsevier, 2016-01-09)The present study analyzes the pressures perceived by auditors in their professional activity. Furthermore, it explores the ethical acceptability of questionable practices and the way auditors resolve the conflicts of ... -
Analysing the link between corruption and PPPs in infrastructure projects: an empirical assessment in developing countries
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-10-21)This study analyses the relationship between Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and corruption. To do this, several econometric analyses were developed using a sample of 92 low- and middle-income countries over the period ... -
Analysis of the Consciousness of University Undergraduates for Sustainable Consumption
(MDPI, 2019-08-23)This research seeks to measure the degree of consciousness for sustainable consumption in a wide sample of university students. The interest of this study is to analyze if students’ choice of degree, as well as their ... -
Antecedents of organisational professional conflict faced by professional accountants in different work settings
(Scielo, 2020-07)Purpose – The aim of this study is to examine the effects of public interest commitment, professional commitment, organisational commitment, and organisational ethical culture on organisational professional ... -
Armonización contable de los Países del Este con la Unión Europea. El caso de Rumanía
(2016-02-02)El presente trabajo presenta una investigación sobre la evolución del sistema contable en Rumanía, y las implicaciones de la aplicación de las directivas europeas, los reglamentos, las recomendaciones y otros documentos ... -
Assessment of the Development of Forest-Based Bioeconomy in European Regions
(MDPI, 2022-04-15)In recent years, the potential of the forest-based bioeconomy to provide competitiveness, differentiation, and sustainability to the European economy has often been claimed. Interestingly, regions, as territorial units ... -
Avances metodológicos en la implantación de sistemas de costes en la administración local: una aplicación empírica a los servicios sociales de atención primaria de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012-02-29)El trabajo es una aportación que se encuadra en planteamientos sobre la mejora de la gestión mediante el cálculo de los costes de servicios públicos que permitan identificar las buenas prácticas a través de la comparabilidad ... -
Bases metodológicas para el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de indicadores para la mejora de la gestión de los servicios públicos locales mediante la utilización de la técnica del benchmarking : un estudio empírico
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012-12-17)El trabajo realizado propone las bases metodológicas sobre las que se puede asentar todo modelo de indicadores en el ámbito de la administración local si se desean garantizar tanto su utilidad como su mantenimiento a lo ... -
Biodiversity accounting and reporting: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
(Elsevier, 2022-10)Towards the improvement of environmental sustainability and the conservation of biodiversity, organisations are increasingly aware of the importance of reporting their impacts on biodiversity and the conservation plans ... -
Building bridges between gender and family business literature to advance women's empowerment
(Emerald, 2023-04-20)This study underlines the importance of addressing gender issues in family firms. It reinvigorates research in this field by revealing its current state, identifying research gaps, and suggesting future agendas. A ... -
Circular Economy and Social Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Basque Country’s automotive sector
(EDITUM. Universidad de Murcia, 2023-10)This paper contributes to the debate of the circular economy (CE) through understanding how this concept is constructed and linked to the sustainability triple-axis. We aim to observe if the way the term is defined by ... -
Communication policies of Spanish universities targeting prospective students: an evaluation by secondary schools
(Universidade de Sorocaba, 2016-07)This paper presents an evaluation of the communication policies through which Spanish universities help to facilitate young people's passage from secondary to higher education. The underlying data have been gathered through ... -
La comunicación digital empresarial de las empresas privadas del País Vasco: uso y evolución del euskera entre 2013 y 2017
(Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, 2019-12)The goal of this article is to understand the use that private companies in the autonomous community of the Basque Country make of digital external communication on social networks and the presence of Basque therein, to ... -
Concepto y Determinantes de la Calidad de la Educación Superior. Un Sondeo de Opinión entre Profesores de Universidades Españolas
(Arizona State University, 2009-05-15)[Es] En este artículo presentamos parte de los resultados de un sondeo realizado entre profesores universitarios españoles de las áreas de economía y empresa entre febrero y abril de 2008 sobre diversos aspectos ligados a ... -
Conceptual structure and perspectives on entrepreneurship education research: A bibliometric review
(Elsevier, 2019-06-20)This study aims to review the field of Entrepreneurship Education (EE). The review examines 325 scientific articles published in refereed scientific journals from 1987 to 2017. The SciMat software was used to conduct an ... -
Conflicting Values in Rural Planning: A Multifunctionality Approach through Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation
(MDPI, 2018-05)The planning of rural land depends, to a large extent, on the agreed-upon agrarian and forestry development model. Within the framework of agrarian multifunctionality, to evaluate different development alternatives and ... -
Corporate social responsibility oriented boards and triple bottom line performance: A meta-analytic study
(Wiley, 2024-03)In this article, we aim to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR)-oriented boards on triple bottom-line (TBL) performance and whether internal corporate governance exhibits a facilitating role in ... -
Corruption perception following privatization reforms: the moderating role of governance
(Universidad de Murcia, 2020-01-01)Este estudio analiza la corrupción percibida tras las reformas de privatización, teniendo en cuenta el papel del buen gobierno, en 22 países europeos entre 2002 y 2013. Un primer análisis inicial no revela cambios relevante ... -
Cost of Production Loss for Long-term Disability due to Road Crashes
(University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 2020)[EU] Traffic accidents leave lifelong after-effects and if the victim is disabled, they produce a production loss due to the differential in income that will be lost. This average value is very divergent in European ...