Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Física de la materia condensada"
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Acoustic plasmons in extrinsic free-standing graphene
(IOP Publishing, 2014-08-04)An acoustic plasmon is predicted to occur, in addition to the conventional two-dimensional (2D) plasmon, as the collective motion of a system of two types of electronic carriers coexisting in the same 2D band of extrinsic ... -
Anharmonic effects in thermoelectric and 2D materials
(2020-09-18)Estudio teórico de los efectos anarmónicos en materiales termoeléctricos y bidimensionales. En el casode los materiales termoeléctricos SnSe y SnS, hemos visto que los efectos anarmónicos producentransiciones de fase de ... -
Atomistic Simulations of Geopolymer Models: The Impact of Disorder on Structure and Mechanics
(ACS, 2018-06-13)Geopolymers are hydrated aluminosilicates with excellent binding properties. Geopolymers appeal to the construction sector as a more sustainable alternative to traditional cements, but their exploitation is limited by a ... -
Combining strategies to make General Physics lectures more attractive and to improve students' performances
(IOP Publishing, 2019-08-21)Going one step further in the use and impact measurement of new strategies to improve the teaching-learning process during lecturing General Physics courses, the current contribution reports the last results/observations ... -
Constraining the value of the dielectric constant of the ferroelectric nematic phase
(APS, 2024-08-27)Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals are currently being subject to a plethora of investigations since they are of great fundamental interest and could potentially foster promising applications. However, many basic aspects ... -
Development of a high-frequency dielectric spectrometer using a portable vector network analyzer
(AIP Publishing, 2024-02-05)A simple and novel setup for high-frequency dielectric spectroscopy of materials has been developed using a portable vector network analyzer. The measurement principle is based on radio-frequency reflectometry, and both ... -
Diagrama de difracción de familias de materiales con composición flexible: unificación estructural dentro del formalismo superespacial y desarrollo de un difractómetro de haz paralelo
(2007-06-01)Recientemente, se ha comenzado a utilizar el formalismo superespacial para unificar las descripciones de los miembros de familias de estructuras de composición flexible, en un único modelo estructural. Estas estructuras ... -
Dynamic screening and electron dynamics in low-dimensional metal systems
(Elsevier, 2007-01-03)Recent advances in the theoretical description of dynamic screening and electron dynamics in metallic media are reviewed. The time-dependent building-up of screening in different situations is addressed. Perturbative and ... -
Elaboración y caracterización de aleaciones con memoria de forma monocristalinas de Cu-Al-Ni y Cu-Al-Be para altas temperaturas
(2015-06-25)Las aleaciones con memoria de forma son materiales inteligentes que secaracterizan por una transformación martensítica termoelástica entre una fase austenitade alta temperatura y una fase martensita de baja temperatura. ... -
Emergence of large nonadiabatic effects induced by the electron-phonon interaction on the complex vibrational quasiparticle spectrum of doped monolayer MoS2
(APS, 2020-02-20)We present a comprehensive first-principles analysis of the nonadiabatic effects due to the electron-phonon interaction on the vibrational spectrum of the electron-doped monolayer MoS2. Deep changes in the Fermi surface ... -
Energy loss of charged particles moving parallel to a magnesium surface
(American Physical Society, 2008-10)We present it ab initio calculations of the electronic energy loss of charged particles moving outside a magnesium surface, from a realistic description of the one-electron band structure and a full treatment of the dynamical ... -
Exact-exchange Kohn-Sham potential, surface energy, and work function of jellium slabs
(American Physical Society, 2008-08)Exact-exchange self-consistent calculations of the Kohn-Sham potential, surface energy, and work function of jellium slabs are reported in the framework of the optimized effective potential (OEP) scheme of density functional ... -
Exchange-Correlation Hole of a Generalized Gradient Approximation for Solids and Surfaces
(American Physical Society, 2009-02)We propose a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the angle- and system-averaged exchange-correlation hole of a many-electron system. This hole, which satisfies known exact constraints, recovers the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof ... -
Experimental verification of the anomalous skin effect in copper using emissivity measurements
(AIP, 2013-06-20)Spectral directional emissivity has been measured in copper between 3 and 24 μm above room temperature. The experimental spectrum shows a weak broad peak between 7 and 14 μm, which is much more acute for higher emission ... -
Fabricación y caracterización a escala micro y nano métrica de la SMA de Cu-Al-Ni para su aplicación en MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
(2017-03-31)Las aleaciones con memoria de forma SMAs (Shape Memory Alloys) presentan un gran potencial para el desarrollo de nuevos MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) que puedan cubrir la creciente demanda, de sensores y actuadores ... -
Fermion-like behavior of elements/agents in their spatial distribution around points of interest
(Elsevier, 2020-07-06)In this paper we analyze the spatial distribution of elements around points of interest. Based on a spatial exclusion principle we model the system by means of a Fermi–Dirac distribution defined by two easily interpretable ... -
First spectral emissivity study of a solar selective coating in the150–600 ºC temperature range
(Elsevier, 2013-07-20)A complete experimental study of temperature dependence of the total spectral emissivity has been performed, for the first time, for absorber–reflector selective coatings used in concentrated solar power (CSP) systems for ... -
First-principles calculations of hot-electron lifetimes in metals
(American Physical Society, 2000)First-principles calculations' of the inelastic lifetime of low-energy electrons in Al, Mg, Be, and Cu are reported. Quasiparticle damping rates are evaluated from the: knowledge of the electron self-energy, which we compute ... -
Fragile Phases as Affine Monoids: Classification and Material Examples
(American Physical Society, 2020-07-01)Topological phases in electronic structures contain a new type of topology, called fragile, which can arise, for example, when an elementary band representation (atomic limit band) splits into a particular set of bands. ... -
Functional bent-core liquid crystals studied through second harmonic generation and X-ray diffraction
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2009-10-25)Los moléculas mesógenas con forma de banana (bent-core) dan lugar a nuevas fases cristal líquido con diversas funcionalidades de interés en aplicaciones tecnológicas. En esta tesis se han estudiado y caracterizado nuevos ...