Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Filosofía"
Now showing items 1-20 of 177
A Comparative study on the onto-epistemological presuppositions in landscape descriptions of romantics and naturalists
(2015-05-11)Two facts are noteworthy in standard historiography on the perception and description of nature: (a) Apart from occasional exceptions (Hard 1970), there is no conceptual analysis of the onto-epistemological presuppositions ... -
A complementary observation to determine Phaedrus’ age in Plato’s Phaedrus
(Universidade de Aveiro, 2021-04-10)This paper deals with the problem of determining Phaedrus’ age in the eponymous dialogue. The vocatives ὦ νεανία and ὦ παῖ, in Pl. Phdr. 257c8 and 267c6, could suggest that Plato depicts him as a teenager. However, most ... -
A genealogical map of the concept of habit
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2014-07-21)The notion of information processing has dominated the study of the mind for over six decades. However, before the advent of cognitivism, one of the most prominent theoretical ideas was that of Habit. This is a concept ... -
A Qualitative Approach to Conceptual Spaces: Prototypes as Qualitative Atoms
(Springer Nature, 2024)The aim of this paper is to propose a qualitative approach to the theory of conceptual spaces, in contrast to the usual metric framework. This requires qualitative notions of similarity, simple concepts, prototypes and ... -
¿A quién pertenece la naturaleza? Sintiencia, ética ambiental e intervención en la naturaleza
(Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Antioquia., 2022)[ES] ¿A quién pertenece la naturaleza? La pregunta podría ser menos importante que la cuestión de la reducción del sufrimiento en ella. Da igual si la naturaleza no pertenece a nadie (o nos pertenece a todos) o si pertenece ... -
Affectivity in mental disorders: An enactive-simondonian approach
(Springer Nature, 2023-09-08)Several enactive-phenomenological perspectives have pointed to affectivity as a central aspect of mental disorders. Indeed, from an enactive perspective, sense-making is an inherently affective process. A question remains ... -
AI: Anarchic Intelligence: On Epinoia
(MDPI, 2024-09-27)With a few notable exceptions, the word “epinoia” has not been heard with a philosophical ear since the time of Epicurus and the Stoics. In addition to the scarce mentions it had received in philosophy, epinoia was strewn ... -
¿Analizamos la partida? Comunidades de Práctica, Análisis post mortem y Módulos de ajedrez
(Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC, 2020-09-29)Este artículo pretende tratar el impacto que tiene la Web en una comunidad de práctica, y lo hace a través del ajedrez. Gracias a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs), en las últimas décadas el ... -
Anomia educativa en el Siglo XXI: un análisis a partir de Durkheim. El caso de República Dominicana
(2023-11-03)El estudio de la anomia educativa se fundamenta en los aportes de Émile Durkheim. Como problema, la anomia se vincula con el debilitamiento normativo, estructural y sistémico, el incumplimiento de las normas, el vacío ... -
La anticipación en la búsqueda de una innovación responsable: gradientes de radicalidad ético-política
(Universitat Jaume I, 2022-06-07)La anticipación ha emergido en las dos últimas décadas como una herramienta fundamental para una diversidad de marcos normativos que pretenden promover una gobernanza de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación más ... -
Anticipation and its degrees of critical-reflective radicality: opening up the affordances of engaging with futures to problematize STI
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-01-25)Anticipation is increasingly recognized as a valuable dimension for promoting more responsible STI practices. Various normative frameworks acknowledge anticipation as a means to enable critique and/or reflection. However, ... -
Anticipation and modal power: Opening up and closing down the momentum of sociotechnical systems
(Sage, 2022-08-06)Within STS, there are three approaches to the creation and mobilization of futures: descriptive, normative, and interventive. Visions, expectations, and imaginaries are currently seen as anticipatory artifacts that close ... -
Anticipation and responsible innovation: opening-up futures through plausibility negotiations
(2022-07-11)This dissertation aims to develop a more robust conceptualisation of anticipation as a methodological-interventive relevant tool to promote more socio-politically responsible science, technology, and innovation (STI) ... -
Anticipatory responsible innovation. Futures construction in the face of the techno-economic imperative
(Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2020)[EN]The call for the development of more responsible research and innovation has increasingly permeated European Union research and development policies. Specifically, under the auspices of approaches such as “Responsible ... -
Antilogy, dialectic and dialectic’s objects in Plato’s Phaedrus
(Brill, 2022-03-15)Plato’s Phaedrus is a dialogue in which rhetoric is not only discussed, but also displayed. The first half of the plot depicts a rhetorical contest in which Socrates himself offers two opposite speeches on love, a kind of ... -
El antropoceno como concepto científico: un enfoque integrativo de su historia y axiología
(2022-06-27)The Anthropocene is a polyvocal term referring to a wide range of concepts, some of which remain under construction. This dissertation does not refer to the usual meaning of the word, as adopted by the academic circles of ... -
La antropología metafísica de Julián Marías y el acceso a la vocación personal como categoría máximamente integradora de su filosofía
(2023-07-03)Julián Marías (1914-2005) es heredero de la filosofía de Ortega y hace uso de la metafísica de su maestro, entendida esta como camino hacia la realidad misma, como método, como una forma de hacer filosofía. Cuando Marías ... -
Aproximaciones fenomenológicas del culto al cuerpo
(2023-11-23)La tesis doctoral "Aproximaciones fenomenológicas del culto al cuerpo" indaga acerca del sometimiento del cuerpo a un conjunto de prácticas o ritos que, en nombre de la salud, favorecen la fragmentación del individuo como ... -
Autonomies in Interaction: Dimensions of Patient Autonomy and Non-adherence to Treatment
(Frontiers Media, 2019-08-14)In recent years, several studies have advocated the need to expand the concept of patient autonomy beyond the capacity to deliberate and make decisions regarding a specific medical intervention or treatment (decision-making ... -
Basque and Occitan in New Aquitaine schools: Philosophical arguments underlying linguistic diversity
(Sage, 2024-12)This article focuses on Basque and Occitan in schools in New Aquitaine, France, and analyses the philosophical arguments underlying its constitution. The school model in New Aquitaine depends on the central education system, ...