Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Fisiología"
Now showing items 1-20 of 377
A preliminary analysis of gait performance of patients with multiple sclerosis using a sensorized crutch tip
(Elsevier, 2020-07-17)The quality of life and functional mobility of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can significantly improve with exercise and a rehabilitation therapy adjusted to the needs of each patient. The assessment of gait and ... -
A randomised controlled trial of a program based on the theory of planned behavior to promote fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren: PROFRUVE study protocol
(Biomed Central, 2018-07-04)Background: The PROFRUVE study is a controlled intervention based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which follows those behavioral theories that have proved to be the most effective at changing infant fruit and ... -
A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol to Test The Efficacy of a Dual-TaskMulticomponent Exercise Program in the Attenuation of Frailty in Long-Term Nursing Home Residents: Aging-ONDUAL-TASK Study
(Springer Nature, 2019-01-08)BACKGROUND: The purpose of the Aging-ONDUAL-TASK study is to determine if a supervised dual-task program carried out in long-term nursing homes is able to attenuate frailty in a greater extent than the same multicomponent ... -
A Review of the Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Efficacy of Anti-diabetic Drugs Used in the Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
(Springer, 2021-08-19)In recent years, epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that the coexistence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is strongly associated with increased mortality ... -
A Three-Protein Panel to Support the Diagnosis of Sepsis in Children
(MDPI, 2022-03-12)Sepsis is a syndrome without a standard validated diagnostic test. Early recognition is crucial. Serum proteome analysis in children with sepsis may identify new biomarkers. This study aimed to find suitable blood biomarkers ... -
A UHPLC-Mass Spectrometry View of Human Melanocytic Cells Uncovers Potential Lipid Biomarkers of Melanoma
(MDPI, 2021-10-08)Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer due to its ability to colonize distant sites and initiate metastasis. Although these processes largely depend on the lipid-based cell membrane scaffold, our understanding of ... -
Acoustophoretic trapping of particles by bubbles in microfluidics
(Frontiers Media, 2023-01)We present in this paper a simple method to produce strategic acoustic particle capture sites in microfluidic channels in a controlled way. Air bubbles are intermittently injected into a micro-capillary with rectangular ... -
Actividad y expresión de enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina en neoplasias renales
(2015-04-29)En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se realizó un análisis de 3 enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina (ACE, ACE2 y APA) en diferentes histotipos de neoplasias renales. Su objetivo fue conocer la implicación de estas ... -
Adaptaciones cardiovasculares a diferentes volúmenes de ejercicio aeróbico interválico de alta intensidad en pacientes tras infarto agudo de miocardio: Estudio INTERFARCT
(2023-07-03)Estudio que evaluar las adaptaciones cardiovasculares centrales (remodelado ventricular) y periféricas(función endotelial y lípidos plasmáticos) a diferentes programas supervisados de ejercicio aeróbico interválico de alta ... -
Added Sugars and Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners in a Representative Sample of Food Products Consumed by the Spanish ANIBES Study Population
(MDPI, 2018-09-07)Low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS), intensely sweet compounds that virtually contain no calories, are used to replace added sugars in food and drinks. Knowledge about different LNCS data in Spanish foods and added sugar ... -
Adenosine: direct and indirect actions on gastric acid secretion
(Frontiers Media, 2017-09-22)Composed by a molecule of adenine and a molecule of ribose, adenosine is a paradigm of recyclable nucleoside with a multiplicity of functions that occupies a privileged position in the metabolic and regulatory contexts. ... -
Adiponectin, leptin, and IGF-1 are useful diagnostic and stratification biomarkers of NAFLD
(Frontiers Media, 2021-06-23)[EN] Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease where liver biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis. Here we aimed to evaluate the role of circulating adiponectin, ... -
Adult and Developing Zebrafish as Suitable Models for Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pathology in Research and Industry
(Frontiers Media, 2021-01-13)The electrophysiological behavior of the zebrafish heart is very similar to that of the human heart. In fact, most of the genes that codify the channels and regulatory proteins required for human cardiac function have their ... -
Allostatic hypermetabolic response in PGC1 alpha/beta heterozygote mouse despite mitochondrial defects
(Wiley, 2021-09)Aging, obesity, and insulin resistance are associated with low levels of PGC1 alpha and PGC1 beta coactivators and defective mitochondrial function. We studied mice deficient for PGC1 alpha and PGC1 beta [double heterozygous ... -
Alteraciones en la actividad enzimática de peptidasas en líquido folicular humano
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2014-06-20)En nuestro país existe más de un 15% de parejas en edad reproductiva que padece problemas de fertilidad, el desarrollo y avance de los tratamientos de reproducción asistida está ayudando a que dichas parejas alcancen su ... -
Alteración de vías moleculares y respuesta clínica en los tumores de cabeza y cuello tratados con terapia biológica con anticuerpos anti-EGFR
(2017-07-20)El cáncer de cabeza y cuello es un término que engloba enfermedades que crecen en los senos paranasales, la cavidad oral, nasal, faringe y laringe. A pe¬sar de que el 90% comparten el origen epidermoide con características ... -
Altered expression of fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP) in colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence and in lymph node and liver metastases
(Impact Journals, 2020-06-15)Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health problem in elderly people because of its high incidence and high mortality rate. Despite early screening programs, more than half of CRC patients are diagnosed at advanced stages. ... -
Altered glutamyl-aminopeptidase activity and expression in renal neoplasms
(Biomed Central, 2014-05-30)Background: Advances in the knowledge of renal neoplasms have demonstrated the implication of several proteases in their genesis, growth and dissemination. Glutamyl-aminopeptidase (GAP) (EC. is a zinc metallopeptidase ... -
Altered Tissue and Plasma Levels of Fibroblast Activation Protein-α (FAP) in Renal Tumours
(MDPI, 2020-10-16)(1) Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a heterogeneous and complex disease with only partial response to therapy, high incidence of metastasis and recurrences, and scarce reliable biomarkers indicative of progression ... -
An Epilepsy-Causing Mutation Leads to Co-Translational Misfolding of the Kv7.2 Channel
(Springer, 2021-05-21)BACKGROUND: The amino acid sequence of proteins generally carries all the necessary information for acquisition of native conformations, but the vectorial nature of translation can additionally determine the folding outcome. ...