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dc.contributor.advisorArruarte Lasa, Ana Jesús ORCIDes
dc.contributor.advisorElorriaga Arandia, Jon Ander ORCIDes
dc.contributor.authorConde Manjón, Angel
dc.descriptionMáster y Doctorado en Sistemas Informáticos Avanzados, Informatika Fakultatea - Facultad de Informáticaes
dc.description.abstractDOM-Sortze is a framework for Semi-Automatic development of Domain Modules, i.e., the pedagogical representation of the domain to be learnt. DOM-Sortze generates Domain Modules for Technology Supported Learning Systems using Natural Language Processing Techniques, Ontologies and Heuristic Reasoning. The framework has been already used over textbooks in Basque language. This work presents the extension that adds English support to the framework, which is achieved with the modification of ErauzOnt. This is the tool that enables the acquisition of learning resources, definitions, examples, exercises, etc. used in the learning process. Moreover, some tests have been made to evaluate the performance of the tool with this new language. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming textbook for Object-Oriented Programming university subject is used for evaluation purposes. The results of this tests show that DOM-Sortze is not tight to a particular domain neither
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMáster S.I.A.;
dc.subjectknowledge acquisitiones
dc.subjectcontent authoringes
dc.subjectlearning objectses
dc.titleTowards multilingual domain module acquisitiones
dc.rights.holderAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported*

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