Now showing items 682-701 of 999

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      Population Structure and Diversity in European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.)-An Empirical Comparison of Pool and Individual Whole-Genome Sequencing 

      Chen, Chao; Parejo Feuz, Melanie; Momeni, Jamal; Langa Arranz, Jorge Eliseo ORCID; Nielsen, Rasmus O.; Shi, Wei; SMARTBEES WP3 DIVERSITY CONTRIBUTORS; Vingborg, Rikke; Kryger, Per; Bouga, Maria; Estomba Recalde, Miren Andone ORCID; Meixner, Marina (MDPI, 2022-01-21)
      Background: Whole-genome sequencing has become routine for population genetic studies. Sequencing of individuals provides maximal data but is rather expensive and fewer samples can be studied. In contrast, sequencing a ...
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      Porous self-protonating spiropyran-based NIPAAm gels with improved reswelling kinetics 

      Ziołkowski, Bartosz; Florea, Larisa; Jannick, Theobald; Benito López, Fernando ORCID; Diamond, Dermot (Springer, 2016-02)
      [EN] This study focuses on improving the speed ofactuation of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based photoresponsive gels containing copolymerised spiropyran as the photoswitch and acrylic acid as the proton source. The improvement ...
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      Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping 

      Palomo, I.; Willemen, L.; Drakou, E.; Burkhard, B.; Crossman, N.; Bellamy C., C.; Burkhard, K.; Campagne, C.; Dangol, A.; Franke, J.; Kulczyk, S.; Solen Le;, Le; Malak, Dania Abdul; Muñoz, L; Narusevicius, V.; Ottoy, S.; Roelens, J.; Sing, L.; Thomas, A.; Meerbeek, K; Verweij, P. (2018)
      A selection of commonly encountered ES mapping bottlenecks that relate to seven themes: i) map-maker map-user interaction; ii) nomenclature and ontologies; iii) skills and background; iv) data and maps availability; v) ...
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      Predicted Torque Model in Low-Frequency-Assisted Boring (LFAB) Operations 

      Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Gil Del Val, Alain; Penalva Oscoz, Mariluz; Pereira Neto, Octavio Manuel; Suárez González, Alfredo; López de Lacalle Marcaide, Luis Norberto (MDPI, 2021-06-24)
      A low-frequency-assisted boring operation is a key cutting process in the aircraft manufacturing sector when drilling deep holes to avoid chip clogging based on chip breakage and, consequently, to reduce the temperature ...
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      Predictive CDN Selection for Video Delivery Based on LSTM Network Performance Forecasts and Cost-Effective Trade-Offs 

      Viola, Roberto; Martín Navas, Ángel; Morgade Prieto, Javier; Masneri, Stefano; Zorrilla Berasategui, Mikel Joseba; Angueira Buceta, Pablo ORCID; Montalbán Sánchez, Jon ORCID (IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-03)
      Owing to increasing consumption of video streams and demand for higher quality content and more advanced displays, future telecommunication networks are expected to outperform current networks in terms of key performance ...
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      Prenatal air pollution exposure and growth and cardio-metabolic risk in preschoolers 

      Fossati, Serena; Valvi, Damaskini; Martínez, David; Cirach, Marta; Estarlich, Marisa; Fernández Somoano, Ana; Guxens, Mónica; Iñiguez, Carmen; Irizar, Amaia; Lertxundi Manterola, Aitana; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.; Tamayo, Ibon; Vioque, Jesús; Tardón, Adonina; Sunyer, Jordi; Vrijheid, Martine (Elsevier, 2020-03-16)
      Objectives: We investigated the association between outdoor air pollutants exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy, and growth and cardio-metabolic risk at four years of age, and evaluated the mediating role of birth ...
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      de Murieta, E. S.; Galarraga, I. (Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca De Economía, 2020-01-01)
      El cambio climático es uno de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan nuestras sociedades. Muchos de los cambios previstos por la ciencia son ya evidentes y el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC, ...
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      Probing disorder and dynamics in composite electrolytes of an organic ionic plastic crystal and lithium functionalised acrylic polymer nanoparticles 

      García, Yadi; Porcarelli, Luca; Haijin, Zhu; Forsyth, Maria; Mecerreyes Molero, David; O´Dell, Luke A. (Elsevier, 2023-01-20)
      Solid composite electrolytes combining an ionic molecular phase to facilitate ion transport with a polymeric component to provide mechanical strength are promising material for solid state batteries. However, the ...
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      Producing Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: A Review of Sustainable Sources and Future Trends for the EPA and DHA Market 

      Oliver, Laura; Dietrich, Thomas; Marañón, Izaskun; Villarán Velasco, María Carmen; Barrio Díez-Caballero, Ramón José (MDPI, 2020-11-16)
      Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 PUFA) are recognized as being essential compounds for human nutrition and health. The human body generates only low levels of Omega-3 PUFA. Conventional sources of Omega-3 PUFA ...
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      Production of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Odd-Chain Fatty Acids by Microalgae Schizochytrium limacinum Grown on Waste-Derived Volatile Fatty Acids 

      Oliver, Laura; Fernández de Castro, Laura; Dietrich, Thomas; Villarán Velasco, María Carmen; Barrio Díez-Caballero, Ramón José (MDPI, 2022-04-14)
      Heterotrophic microalgae are recognized as a source of bioactive compounds. However, there are still some drawbacks for their use at an industrial scale associated with the high cost of glucose, the main carbon source in ...
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      Progress on Catalyst Development for the Steam Reforming of Biomass and Waste Plastics Pyrolysis Volatiles: A Review 

      Santamaría Moreno, Laura ORCID; López Zabalbeitia, Gartzen ORCID; Fernández Sáenz, Enara ORCID; Cortázar Dueñas, María ORCID; Arregi Joaristi, Aitor; Olazar Aurrecoechea, Martin ORCID; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier (American Chemical Society, 2021-11-04)
      [EN]n recent decades, the production of H-2 from biomass, waste plastics, and their mixtures has attracted increasing attention in the literature in order to overcome the environmental problems associated with global warming ...
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      Progress toward Equitably Managed Protected Areas in Aichi Target 11: A Global Survey 

      Zafra Calvo, Noelia; Garmendia Oleaga, Eneko; Pascual, Unai; Palomo, Ignacio; Gross Camp, Nicole; Brockington, Daniel; Cortés Vázquez, José Antonio; Coolsaet, Brendan; Burgess, Neil David (Oxford University Press, 2019-03)
      The Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Target 11 requires its 193 signatory parties to incorporate social equity into protected area (PA) management by 2020. However, there is limited evidence of progress toward this ...
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      Promoting energy efficiency at household level: a literature review 

      Solà, M.d.M; de Ayala, A.; Galarraga, I.; Escapa, M. (Energy Efficiency, 2021-01-01)
      The household sector is one of the most energy-intensive sectors in Europe, and thus a focal point for reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption. Energy efficiency is considered a key measure to ...
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      Promotion of self-nucleation with latent Form I nuclei in polybutene-1 and its copolymer 

      Wang, Zefan; Dong, Xia; Cavallo, Dario; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID; Wang, Dujin (American Chemical Society, 2018-08-02)
      The formation of Form I nuclei of polybutene-1 (PB-1) and its copolymer with polyethylene (PB1-ran-PE) has been studied by means of modified self-nucleation protocols. Even when the self-nucleation temperature was high ...
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      Protected areas to deliver biodiversity need management effectiveness and equity 

      Zafra-Calvo, Z.; Geldmann, J. (Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020)
      It is widely recognized in science, policy, and practice that protected areas (PAs) that are equitably and effectively managed are essential for halting biodiversity loss. However, our understanding of the relationships ...
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      Protocol for Deciphering the Electrical Parameters of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Immittance Spectroscopy 

      Khan, Mohd Taukeer; Huang, Peng; Almohammedi, Abdullah; Kazim, Samrana; Ahmad, Shahzada (Elsevier, 2021-06-18)
      Here, we present a protocol for the fabrication of inverted (p-i-n)-type perovskite solar cells, unraveling its electrical merits via immittance spectroscopy. The immittance spectroscopy is a prevailing technique for ...
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      Providing access to urban green spaces: A participatory benefit-cost analysis in Spain 

      Garcia de Jalón, S.; Chiabai, A.; Tague, A.M.; Artaza, N.; De Ayala Bilbao, Amaya ORCID; Quiroga, S.; Kruize, H.; Suárez, C.; Bell, R.; Taylor, T. (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
      The opening up of green spaces could provide significant benefits to society. This study develops a framework to assess the economic benefits and costs of public interventions providing citizen access to urban green spaces. ...
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      Proximity Effects on the Charge Density Wave Order and Superconductivity in Single-Layer NbSe2 

      Dreher, Paul; Wan, Wen; Chikina, Alla; Bianchi, Marco; Guo, Haojie; Harsh, Rishav; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Coronado, Eugenio; Martínez-Galera, Antonio J.; Hofmann, Philip; Miwa, Jill A.; Moreno Ugeda, Miguel (American Chemical Society, 2021-12-28)
      Collective electronic states such as the charge density wave (CDW) order and superconductivity (SC) respond sensitively to external perturbations. Such sensitivity is dramatically enhanced in two dimensions (2D), where 2D ...
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      Public attitudes toward biodiversity‐friendly greenspace management in Europe 

      Fischer, Leonie K.; Neuenkamp, Lena; Lampinen, Jussi; Tuomi, Maria; Alday, Josu G.; Bucharova, Anna; Cancellieri, Laura; Casado Arzuaga, Izaskun; Čeplová, Natálie; Cerveró, Lluïsa; Deák, Balázs; Eriksson, Ove; Fellowes, Mark D. E.; Fernández de Manuel, Beatriz; Filibeck, Goffredo; González Guzmán, Adrián; Hinojosa, M. Belen; Kowarik, Ingo; Lumbierres, Belén; Miguel, Ana; Pardo, Rosa; Pons, Xavier; Rodríguez García, Encarna; Schröder, Roland; Sperandii, Marta Gaia; Unterweger, Philipp; Valkó, Orsolya; Vázquez, Víctor; Klaus, Valentin H. (Wiley, 2020)
      Increasing urbanization worldwide calls for more sustainable urban development. Simultaneously, the global biodiversity crisis accentuates the need of fostering biodiversity within cities. Policies supporting urban nature ...
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      Pyrolysis of plastic wastes in a fountain confined conical spouted bed reactor: determination of stable operating conditions 

      Orozco Hernández, Santiago; Álvarez Gordejuela, Jon; López Zabalbeitia, Gartzen ORCID; Artetxe Uria, Maite; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier; Olazar Aurrecoechea, Martin ORCID (Elsevier, 2020-12-31)
      [EN] The performance of both fluidized and spouted bed reactors in the pyrolysis of waste plastics is conditioned by particle agglomeration phenomena, which worsen the quality of the gas-solid contact and eventually lead ...