Now showing items 1318-1337 of 3135

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      La inmigración ilegal y el Código Penal. En especial, el artículo 188 del Código Penal: Tráfico de personas para su explotación sexual 

      Subijana Zunzunegui, Ignacio José (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1999)
      [ES] La presencia de organizaciones criminales de carácter transnacional que tienen por objeto el tráfico de personas con fines de explotación sexual adquiere cada día más importancia. Tras un breve análisis de la evolución ...
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      Innovation and forward-thinking are needed to improve traditional synthesis methods: A response to Pescott and Stewart 

      Christie, A.P.; Amano, T.; Martin, P.A.; Shackelford, G.E.; Simmons, B.I.; Sutherland, W.J. (Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022-05-01)
      In Christie et al. (2019), we used simulations to quantitatively compare the bias of commonly used study designs in ecology and conservation. Based on these simulations, we proposed ‘accuracy weights’ as a potential way ...
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      Input quality and speech perception development in bilingual infants' first year of life 

      Kalashnikova, Marina; Carreiras, Manuel (WILEY, 2022)
      Individual differences in infants’ native phonological development have been linked to the quantity and quality of infant-directed speech (IDS). The effects of parental and infant bilingualism on this relation in 131 ...
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      Insights from bimodal bilingualism: Reply to commentaries 

      Emmorey, Karen; Giezen, Marcel R.; Gollan, Tamar H. (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2016)
      The commentaries on our Keynote article “Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural implications of bimodal bilingualism” were enthusiastic about what can be learned by studying bilinguals who acquire two languages that are ...
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      Insights into the Electrochemical Performance of 1.8 Ah Pouch and 18650 Cylindrical NMC:LFP|Si:C Blend Li-ion Cells 

      Landa Medrano, Imanol; Eguía Barrio, Aitor; Sananes Israel, Susan; Porcher, Willy; Trad, Khiem; Moretti, Arianna; Vieira Carvalho, Diogo; Passerini, Stefano; De Meatza, Iratxe (MDPI, 2022-08-18)
      Silicon has become an integral negative electrode component for lithium-ion batteries in numerous applications including electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. However, its high capacity and low cycling stability ...
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      Insights into the genetic architecture of cerebellar lobules derived from the UK Biobank 

      Carrión-Castillo, Amaia; Boeckx, Cedric (NATURE, 2024)
      In this work we endeavor to further understand the genetic architecture of the cerebellum by examining the genetic underpinnings of the different cerebellar lob(ul)es, identifying their genetic relation to cortical and ...
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      Insights on the economic estimates of the climate costs of the aviation sector due to air management in 2018-19 

      Goicoechea, N.; Galarraga, I.; Abadie, L. M.; Pümpel, H.; de Gauna, I. R. (Dyna (Spain), 2021-07-20)
      Air navigation service providers ensure that aircrafts keep safely apart by prescribing vertical and horizontal distances to each other. In the European Union and its associated members, regulation is carried out via a ...
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      Insights on urban and periurban adaptation strategies based on stakeholders' perceptions on hard and soft responses to climate change 

      Martinez-Juarez, P.; Chiabai, A.; Suárez, C.; Quiroga, S. (MDPI, 2019)
      Adapting to expected impacts of climate change is a task shared by multiple institutions and individuals, but much of this work falls over local and regional authorities, which has made them experts over the issue. At the ...
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      Las instituciones probatorias en el Proyecto de Código Penal de 1992 

      De la Cuesta Arzamendi, José Luis ORCID (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1993)
      [ES] El escaso abanico de alternativas o sustitutivos a la pena privativa de libertad en España, no se ve sustancialmente mejorado en el Proyecto de 1992. La regulación de las instituciones de sumisión a prueba no presenta ...
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      La institución. Lugar de paradojas 

      Veunac, Michel (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1987)
      [ES] La institución socio-educativa se presenta como una realidad movediza, compleja y paradójica. Se estudia la paradoja en el funcionamiento y en la constitución de la institución socio-educativa.
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      Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice 

      Saarikoski, H.; Primmer, E.; Saarela, S.-R.; Antunes, P.; Aszalós, R.; Baró, F.; Berry, P.; Blanko, G.G.; Goméz-Baggethun, E.; Carvalho, L.; Dick, J.; Dunford, R.; Hanzu, M.; Harrison, P.A.; Izakovicova, Z.; Kertész, M.; Kopperoinen, L.; Köhler, B.; Langemeyer, J.; Lapola, D.; Liquete, C.; Luque, S.; Mederly, P.; Niemelä, J.; Palomo, I.; Pastur, G.M.; Peri, P.L.; Preda, E.; Priess, J.A.; Santos, R.; Schleyer, C.; Turkelboom, F.; Vadineanu, A.; Verheyden, W.; Vikström, S.; Young, J. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The promise that ecosystem service assessments will contribute to better decision-making is not yet proven. We analyse how knowledge on ecosystem services is actually used to inform land and water management in 22 case ...
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      Institutionalisation of urban climate adaptation: three municipal experiences in Spain 

      Olazabal, M.; Broto, V.C. (Buildings and Cities, 2022)
      Comparative studies of urban adaptation have evaluated the progress, means and scope of adaptation planning. Practice on the ground shows that the local politics of climate adaptation advance through various strategies to ...
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      Integración de información topográfica diversa para la confección de un mapa del Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja) 

      Cajello Astúlez, Nebai; Varela Aguado, Argiñe (Laboratorio de Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (LDGP), 2012-07)
      [ES] Generación de varios mapas del Monasterio a partir de los datos capturados en las dos ediciones del programa ERASMUS IP: Topcart, geometric documentation of the heritage ( más información ...
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      La integración de Leonard Cohen en la cultura española a través de la traducción 

      Merino Álvarez, Raquel ORCID; Ros Abaurrea, Alejandro (2021-11-16)
      En 2011, Leonard Cohen manifestó su profunda vinculación con nuestra tierra, con la guitarra flamenca y la poesía de Lorca en la ceremonia en la que se le sancionó con el premio Príncipe de Asturias a las Letras. Huelga ...
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      Integración o preservación de las diferencias desde la perspectiva de la genética de las poblaciones humanas 

      Martínez de Pancorbo Gómez, María de los Angeles ORCID (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Partiendo de una exposición de la evolución de los derechos humanos, se analiza, desde la perspectiva de la Genética de las Poblaciones Humanas, la individualidad del ser humano, el origen común de la especie humana ...
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      Integrated policy assessment and optimisation over multiple sustainable development goals in Eastern Africa 

      Van de Ven, Dirk-Jan Petrus Adrianus; Sampedro Martínez de Estívariz, Jon; Johnson, Francis Xavier; Bailis, Rob; Forouli, Aikaterini; Nikas, Alexandros; Yu, Sha; Pardo, Guillermo; García de Jalón, Silvestre; Wise, Marshall; Doukas, Haris (IOP, 2019-08-20)
      Heavy reliance on traditional biomass for household energy in eastern Africa has significant negative health and environmental impacts. The African context for energy access is rather different from historical experiences ...
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      Integrating belowground carbon dynamics into Yield-SAFE, a parameter sparse agroforestry model 

      Palma, J.H.N.; Crous-Duran, J.; Graves, A.R.; de Jalon, S.G.; Upson, M.; Oliveira, T.S.; Paulo, J.A.; Ferreiro-Domínguez, N.; Moreno, G.; Burgess, P.J. (Springer, 2018)
      Agroforestry combines perennial woody elements (e.g. trees) with an agricultural understory (e.g. wheat, pasture) which can also potentially be used by a livestock component. In recent decades, modern agroforestry systems ...
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      Integrating Bilingualism, Verbal Fluency, and Executive Functioning across the Lifespan 

      Zeng, Zhen; Kalashnikova, Marina; Antoniou, Mark (Journal of Cognition and Development, 2019)
      Bilingual experience has an impact on an individual’s linguistic processing and general cognitive abilities. The relation between these linguistic and non-linguistic domains, in turn, is mediated by individual linguistic ...
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      Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations 

      Dunford, R.; Harrison, P.; Smith, A.; Dick, J.; Barton; Martin-Lopez, B.; Kelemen, E.; Jacobs, S.; Saarikoski, H.; Turkelboom, F.; Verheyden, W.; Hauck, J.; Antunes, P.; Aszalós, R.; Badea, O.; Baró, F.; Berry, P.; Carvalho, L.; Conte, G.; Czúcz, B.; Garcia Blanco, G.; Howard, D.; Giuca, R.; Gomez-Baggethun, E.; Grizetti, B.; Izakovicova, Z.; Kopperoinen, L.; Langemeyer, J.; Luque, S.; Lapola, D.M.; Martinez-Pastur, G.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Roy, S.B.; Roy, J.; Norton, L.; Ochieng, J.; Odee, D.; Palomo, I; Pinho, P.; Priess, J.; Rusch, G.; Saarela, S.R.; Santos, R.; van der Wal, J.T.; Vadineanu, A.; Vári, Á.; Woods, H.; Yli-Pelkonen, V. (Ecosystem Services, 2018)
      The Ecosystem Services (ES) concept highlights the varied contributions the environment provides to humans and there are a wide range of methods/tools available to assess ES. However, in real-world decision contexts a ...
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      Integrating science and the arts to deglobalise climate change adaptation 

      Olazabal, M.; Loroño-Leturiondo, M.; Amorim-Maia, A.T.; Lewis, L.; Urrutia, J. (Nature Communications, 2024-12-12)
      Setting goals that are context-specific, relevant, and collectively shared is critical in adaptation. As necessary elements in target setting, imaginaries for adaptation and the language connected to them remain vague. ...