Now showing items 1614-1633 of 3135

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      Low Climate Stabilisation under Diverse Growth and Convergence Scenarios 

      Markandya, Anil; González-Eguino, Mikel; Criqui, Patrick; Mima, Silvana (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-08-01)
      In the last decade, a few papers have analysed the consequences of achieving the greenhouse gas concentration levels necessary to maintain global temperature increases below 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. ...
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      Low growth resilience to drought is related to future mortality risk in trees 

      DeSoto, L.; Cailleret, M.; Sterck, F.; Jansen, S.; Kramer, K.; Robert, E.M.R.; Aakala, T.; Amoroso, M.M.; Bigler, C.; Camarero, J.J.; Cufar, K.; Gea-Izquierdo, G.; Gillner, S.; Haavik, L.J.; Heres, A.-M.; Kane, J.M.; Kharuk, V.I.; Kitzberger, T.; Klein, T.; Levanic, T.; Linares, J.C.; Mäkinen, H.; Oberhuber, W.; Papadopoulos, A.; Rohner, B.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Stojanovic, D.B.; Suárez, M.L.; Villalba, R.; Martínez-Vilalta, J. (Springer Nature, 2020)
      Severe droughts have the potential to reduce forest productivity and trigger tree mortality. Most trees face several drought events during their life and therefore resilience to dry conditions may be crucial to long-term ...
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      Low or High-Level Motor Coding? The Role of Stimulus Complexity 

      Amoruso, Lucia; Finisguerra, Alessandra (Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2019)
      Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies have shown that observing an action induces activity in the onlooker's motor system. In light of the muscle specificity and time-locked mirroring nature of the effect, this ...
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      Low sensitivity of gross primary production to elevated CO2 in a mature eucalypt woodland 

      Yang, J.; Medlyn, B.E.; De, Kauwe, M.G.; Duursma, R.A.; Jiang, M.; Kumarathunge, D.; Crous, K.Y.; Gimeno, T.E.; Wujeska-Klause, A.; Ellsworth, D.S. (EGU Publications, 2020)
      The response of mature forest ecosystems to a rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (span classCombining double low line"inline-formula"iC/ia/span) is a major uncertainty in projecting the future trajectory of ...
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      LSE-Sign: A lexical database for Spanish Sign Language 

      Gutierrez-Sigut, Eva; Costello, Brendan; Baus, Cristina; Carreiras, Manuel (Behavior Research Methods, 2016)
      The LSE-Sign database is a free online tool for selecting Spanish Sign Language stimulus materials to be used in experiments. It contains 2,400 individual signs taken from a recent standardized LSE dictionary, and a ...
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      La lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales procedentes de las actividades delictivas en el marco de la Unión Europea 

      Blanco Cordero, Isidoro (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2001)
      [ES] El blanqueo de capitales es un fenómeno delictivo ligado a la delincuencia organizada. Las organizaciones criminales obtienen enormes beneficios de los diversos tráficos, y para disfrutar de estas ganancias deben ...
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      La lucha contra la violencia que se produce en las manifestaciones deportivas 

      Kunicka-Michalska, Barbara (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2004)
      [ES] Los documentos del Consejo de Europa relacionados con el problema de la violencia en los espectáculos deportivos son numerosos y forman parte de los documentos sobre el deporte en general. Así, se detallan las actuaciones ...
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      La lucha social contra el terrorismo : testimonios de algunas víctimas de ETA 

      Serranò, Ágata (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2012)
      [ES] Este artículo se propone desmentir algunos falsos mitos en torno a las víctimas del terrorismo, considerando que ellas y toda la sociedad civil pueden/deben ser actores relevantes y eficaces en la lucha ...
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      La lutte contre les discriminations raciales: le rôle du droit pénal et de la criminologie en France 

      Castaignède, Jocelyne (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Se realiza una reflexión sobre el tema de la discriminación racial, en base al ejemplo francés, subrayando la importancia de combatir la xenofobia y el racismo desde la Criminología y el Derecho penal a través de la ...
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      Luxury and legacy effects on urban biodiversity, vegetation cover and ecosystem services 

      Aznarez, C.; Svenning, J.C.; Pacheco, J.P.; Have Kallesøe, F.; Baró, F.; Pascual, U. (npj Urban Sustainability, 2023-12-01)
      Socio-economic and historical drivers shape urban nature distribution and characteristics, as luxury (wealth-related) and legacy (historical management) effects. Using remote sensing and census data on biodiversity and ...
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      Lyapunov exponents for temporal networks 

      Caligiuri, A.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Di Gaetano, L.; Galla, T.; Lacasa, L. (Physical Review E, 2023)
      By interpreting a temporal network as a trajectory of a latent graph dynamical system, we introduce the concept of dynamical instability of a temporal network and construct a measure to estimate the network maximum Lyapunov ...
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      M(C6H16N3)2(VO3)4 as heterogeneous catalysts. Study of three new hybrid vanadates of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) with 1-(2-aminoethyl)piperazonium. 

      Serrano Larrea, Edurne; Mesa Rueda, José Luis; Pizarro Sanz, José Luis ORCID; Iglesias, Marta; Rojo Aparicio, Teófilo ORCID; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel ORCID (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011-10-14)
      Three new hybrid vanadates have been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions with the formula M(C6H16N3)2(VO3)4, where M= Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II). The structural analyses show that the phases are isostructural and ...
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      Machine learning for ecosystem services 

      Willcock, S.; Martínez-López, J.; Hooftman, D.A.P.; Bagstad, K.J.; Balbi, S.; Marzo, A.; Prato, C.; Sciandrello, S.; Signorello, G.; Voigt, B.; Villa, F.; Bullock, J.M.; Athanasiadis, I.N. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Recent developments in machine learning have expanded data-driven modelling (DDM) capabilities, allowing artificial intelligence to infer the behaviour of a system by computing and exploiting correlations between observed ...
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      Un maestro ejemplar Antonio Beristain : penalista, criminólogo, victimólogo 

      De la Cuesta Arzamendi, José Luis ORCID (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2009)
      Dándose la feliz coincidencia de la celebración el 4 de abril de 2009 del 85 cumpleaños de nuestro maestro, fundador y Director de honor, el Consejo del Instituto decidió dedicar el número 23 de los Cuadernos Eguzkilore ...
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      Maintenance cost in the processing of subject-verb dependencies 

      Ristic, Bojana; Mancini, Simona; Molinaro, Nicola; Staub, Adrian (APA American Psychological Association, 2022)
      Although research in sentence comprehension has suggested that processing long-distance dependencies involves maintenance between the elements that form the dependency, studies on maintenance of long-distance subject–verb ...
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      Making It Harder to “See” Meaning: The More You See Something, the More Its Conceptual Representation Is Susceptible to Visual Interference 

      Davis, Charles P.; Joergensen, Gitte H.; Boddy, Peter; Dowling, Caitlin; Yee, Eiling (Psychological Science, 2020)
      Does the perceptual system for looking at the world overlap with the conceptual system for thinking about it? We conducted two experiments (N = 403) to investigate this question. Experiment 1 showed that when people ...
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      Making sense of social interaction: Emotional coherence drives semantic integration as assessed by event-related potentials 

      Schauenburg, Gesche; Conrad, Markus; von Scheve, Christian; Barber, Horacio A.; Ambrasat, Jens; Aryani, Arash; Schröder, Tobias (Neuropsychologia, 2019)
      We compared event-related potentials during sentence reading, using impression formation equations of a model of affective coherence, to investigate the role of affective content processing during meaning making. The model ...
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      Manganese oxide catalysts for secondary zinc air batteries: from 

      Mainar, Aroa R.; Colmenares, Luis C.; Leonet, Olatz; Alcaide, Francisco; Iruin Sanz, Juan José ORCID; Weinberger, Stephan; Hacker, Viktor; Iruin, Elena; Urdampilleta, Idoia; Blázquez Martín, José Alberto (2017-02-09)
      An efficient, durable and low cost air cathode with low polarization between the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essential for a high performance and durable secondary zinc-air ...
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      Mapping Ecosystem Services in a Mediterranean Watershed in the Context of Socio-ecological Restoration Actions, Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change 

      Ruiz, I.; Pompeu, J.; Sanz, M.J. (Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, 2024-01-01)
      Human prosperity and well-being of Mediterranean watersheds are underpinned by their natural capital, which among others, provide clean water and multi-functional landscapes, today jeopardized. Historically, water demand ...
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      Mapping land-use fluxes for 2001–2020 from global models to national inventories 

      Giacomo, G.; Schwingshackl, C.; Gasser, T.; Houghton, R. A.; Sitch, S.; Canadell, J. G.; Cescatti, A.; Ciais, P.; Federici, S.; Friedlingstein, P.; Sanz Sanchez, M. J.; Kurz, W. A.; Abad Viñas, R.; Alkama, R.; Ceccherini, G.; Kato, E.; Kennedy, D.; Knauer, J.; Korosuo, A.; McGrath, M. J.; Nabel, J.; Poulter, B.; Rossi, S.; Walker, A. P.; Yuan, W.; Yue, X.; Pongratz, J. (Earth Syst. Sci., 2022-08-22)
      With the focus of climate policy shifting from pledges to implementation, there is an increasing need to track progress on climate change mitigation at country level, especially for the land-use sector. Despite new tools ...