Now showing items 11-19 of 19
Usage of substances and their dosage regimes in pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia
Background: Contrary to what is generally thought schizophrenia is a very common mental health issue. For this, several animal models are used to assess the illness in order to develop a definitive. The most widely spread ...
Antsietate asaldura orokorraren tratamenduaren hausnarketa eta erizaintzaren esku hartzea : berrikuspen bibliografikoa
Antsietate asaldurak gaixotasun mentalen artean ugarienak dira; hau horrela izanik, Antsietate Asaldura Orokorraren tratamenduak aztertu beharrekoak dira gaur egun. Lehenik eta behin, ikerketa askoren arabera dependentzia, ...
Revisión del proceso diagnóstico clínico-patológico en linfomas cutáneos B y T: experiencia en el HUA
[EN] Background. The involvement of the skin in neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders can occur either by an affectation secondary to a systemic neoplasm or by a primary affectation of the skin, which is considered a ...
Myelin: more than just an insulator
[EN] Oligodendrocytes build up the myelin sheath that insulates axons and speeds up action potential propagation. Moreover, oligodendroglia also regulates the ionic environment and fuels axons with metabolites to meet their ...
Use and prescription of psychiatric medication in our health environment: influence of new clinical guidelines
[EN] Introduction: use of psychiatric drugs has evolved according to the new clinical guidelines that have been published for mental diseases. Among these, the recent release of DSM-5 has risen some authors’ critical voices ...
Persistent olfactory alterations in Post-Covid-19 condition. A systematic review and cross-sectional study on persistent olfaction alterations in Post-Covid-19 condition in the OSI Enkarterri-Ezkerraldea-Cruces
[EN] INTRODUCTION: The phenotype of Post-Covid-19 Condition (PC19C) has not precisely been described yet. Olfaction alteration is clearly part of the acute phase of the infection, but it remains unclear if it is part of ...
Reducing the consumption of psychoactive drugs in adolescents from Bilbao.
The phenomenon of drug consumption is not a solved problem. Cannabis is the illegal psychoactive drug with the highest prevalence in the world, in Europe, and in Spain; where the Basque Country registers the highest national ...
A Health promotion program: Reducing test anxiety levels among students of 1st grade of Compulsory Secondary Education
[EN] Introduction: Test anxiety affects students of different ages from all over the world, yet there is little awareness of this complex issue at both educational and social level. With an increasing prevalence, it is one ...