Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Analysis of the Static Mechanical Properties of Iron-Based Alloys deposited by Extreme High-Speed Laser Material Deposition for Additive Manufacturingor Repair Applications
(INGLÉS) The objective of the following work is to analyze the feasibility of extreme high-speed laser material deposition advanced manufacturing process (EHLA) for the repair of E355 steel components. The verification is ...
Discovering Gemba Walks Good Practices within Industrial Lean Applications
Gemba is a Japanese term meaning the real place, the place where value is created. In manufacturing, the shop-floor. Gemba Walk is the lean practice referred to the action of visiting the Gemba. Top management involvement ...
Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Flange Study
The purpose of this research is to study the conditions of bolted flange connections for offshore wind turbines. In this particular study, M72 bolts preloaded up to three hundred tonnes will be analysed. The research will ...
Estudio de viabilidad de conversión de una central de ciclo combinado a una Power -to-Gas
[ES] La tecnología “Power-to-Gas” (PtG o P2G) consiste en la conversión de energía eléctrica (habitualmente excedentes de fuentes de energía renovable debido su intermitencia) en energía química en forma de hidrógeno o ...
Visual Cue based (vehicle to vehicle) cooperative positioning
Formation flight helps multi-agents cooperate visually and accomplish missions effectively.
But in order to achieve a good formation shape, the agents forming the swarm must
have good inter-communication among them. ...
Path Correction for 3D Printing by Robotic Manipulator
Technology is an essential part of industry nowadays, thanks to which there are advances
in quality of the product, efficiency of energy or safety of human capital (among others).
Today, we are part of the fourth industrial ...
Vortex Induced Aerodynamic Forces on a Flat Plate in Ground Proximity
Resumen en Ingles:
A computational analysis of large-scale vortex generators in ground proximity was performed in order to predict the forces and flow structures induced underneath a flat plate model for a range of ...
Análisis de LOADNG como protocolo de rutado dinámico para las comunicaciones PLC en MT
Análisis del protocolo de enrutamiento LOADng para el envío de información por la red eléctrica de media tensión
Design of a 2+1 Prarallel Continuum Robot for pick and place
The ongoing research on nonlinear flexure analysis of mechanism required a prototype that would allow the testing of the models and algorithms devel-oped. By the end of the project the robot was successfully built and ...
Generación de trayectorias para fabricación aditiva de componentes metálicos
[ES] La inmadurez tecnológica que presenta la fabricación aditiva, junto a los beneficios técnicos que promete ofrecer, han resultado en un gran interés por parte de las grandes industrias manufactureras y los más avanzados ...