Hiri-hondakinen balorizazioa digestio anaerobioaren bidez
Ekaia 38 : 259-273 (2020)
Urtez urte mundu-mailan ekoizturiko hiri-hondakin solidoen (HHS) kantitatea handituz doa. Beraz, gaur egun hiri-hondakinen kudeaketa egokia gizartearen erronka nagusietarikoa da. Halaber, erregai fosilen erabilerak ingurumenean eragindako kalteak nabarmenak dira. Horrez gaiz, jakina da energia-iturri hau agortzen ari dela. Digestio anaerobioa (DA) hiri-hondakinak kudeatzeko erabiltzen den metodoa da, eta energia berriztagarri gisa hartzen da; izan ere, hiri-hondakinetatik energia-iturria (biogasa) ekoizten da. Lan honetan, hiri-hondakinen zati organikoaren balioztapenerako DAren metodoa aztertuko da. Lehendabizi, hondakin solidoen arazoa eta haiek balioztatzeko aukera desberdinak aztertuko dira. Ondoren, DAren oinarriak zehaztuko dira, eta udal-hondakinen DA prozesuko lau etapak aztertu. Amaitzeko, operazio-baldintzek eta digestio-sistema desberdinek duten eragina aztertuko da.; The amount of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) is annually increasing worldwide. Therefore, a suitable municipal solid waste management is one of the main concerns of our society. Furthermore, the environmental problems derived from the use of fossil fuels are outstanding, together with the depletion of this energy source. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the most promising management methods, which is considered as a rewenable energy source, as energy (biogas) is produced after treating the MSWs. In this work we analyse the AD method for the valorization of the organic fraction of MSWs. First, the problematic of solid wastes and different ways for their management are reported. Secondly, the basis of AD are established, which consists of four steps. Finally, the effect of operating conditions and the different digestion systems are analysed.