Now showing items 1-10 of 535
Efects of food bioactives on lipid metabolism: applications in obesity and related metabolic alterations
El presente proyecto se centra en analizar los efectos de distintos compuestos bioactivossobre el metabolismo lipídico. Para este propósito se llevaron a cabo dos tipos deestudios, uno in vitro con pre-adipocitos 3T3-L1 y ...
Hesperidin and Capsaicin, But Not The Combination, Prevent Hepatic Steatosis and Other Metabolic Syndrome-Related Alterations in Western Diet-Fed Rats
(Nature Publishing Group, 2018-10-10)
We aimed to assess the potential effects of hesperidin and capsaicin, independently and in combination, to prevent the development of obesity and its related metabolic alterations in rats fed an obesogenic diet. Three-month-old ...
Metabolic Effects of Oral Phenelzine Treatment on High-Sucrose-Drinking Mice
(MDPI, 2018-10)
Phenelzine has been suggested to have an antiobesity effect by inhibiting de novo lipogenesis, which led us to investigate the metabolic effects of oral chronic phenelzine treatment in high-sucrose-drinking mice. ...
Nuevas metodologías para la evaluación de la calidad de productos pesqueros
La producción y consumo mundial del pescado ha aumentado a gran velocidad en las últimasdécadas debido al aumento de la población y la mejora en los canales de distribución de losalimentos. Se trata de un alimento rico en ...
New perspectives on bovine tuberculosis diagnostics and control based on experimental infections.
La tuberculosis bovina continúa siendo a día de hoy una de las enfermedades infecciosas que mayores pérdidas económicas ocasiona al sector ganadero. El principal patógeno causante de esta enfermedad es Mycobacterium bovis ...
Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity
(MDPI, 2019-10-04)
The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions ...
Suckler Bulls Slaughtered at 15 Months of Age: Effect of Different Production Systems on the Fatty Acid Profile and Selected Quality Characteristics of Longissimus Thoracis
(MDPI, 2019-07-18)
The objective was to compare the quality of beef from bulls reared in typical Irish indoor systems or in novel grass-based systems. Bulls were assigned to one of the following systems: (a) grass silage plus barley-based ...
Browning Effects of a Chronic Pterostilbene Supplementation in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
(MDPI, 2019-10-29)
Obesity and related comorbidities are a major health concern. The drugs used to treat these conditions are largely inadequate or dangerous, and a well-researched approach based on nutraceuticals would be highly useful. ...
Characterization, Stability, and Bioaccessibility of Betalain and Phenolic Compounds from Opuntia stricta var. Dillenii Fruits and Products of Their Industrialization
(MDPI, 2021-07-09)
The aim of the present study was the full characterization, quantification, and determination of the digestive stability and bioaccessibility of individual betalain and phenolic compounds of Opuntia stricta, var. Dillenii ...