Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Robust Sliding Control of SEIR Epidemic Models
(Hindawi Publishing, 2014)
This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, ...
Global Stability of Polytopic Linear Time-Varying Dynamic Systems under Time-Varying Point Delays and Impulsive Controls
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010)
This paper investigates the stability properties of a class of dynamic linear systems possessing several linear time-invariant parameterizations (or configurations) which conform a linear time-varying polytopic dynamic ...
On the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Set of Matrices to Commute and Some Further Linked Results
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2009)
This paper investigates the necessary and sufficient condition for a set of (real or complex) matrices to commute. It is proved that the commutator [A,B]=0 for two matrices A and B if and only if a vector v(B) defined ...
On minimal realizations and minimal partial realizations of linear time-invariant systems subject to point incommensurate delays
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008)
This paper investigates key aspects of realization and partial realization theories for linear time-invariant systems being subject to a set of incommensurate internal and external point delays. The results are obtained ...
Adaptive stabilization of continuous-time systems through a controllable modified estimation model
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2004)
This paper presents an indirect adaptive control scheme of continuous-time systems. The estimated plant model is controllable and then the adaptive scheme is free from singularities. Such singularities are avoided through ...
On pole-placement controllers for linear time-delay systems with commensurate point delays
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005)
We investigate the exact and approximate spectrum assignment properties associated with realizable output-feedback pole-placement-type controllers for single-input single-output linear time-invariant time-delay systems ...
Oscillatory behavior in linear difference equations under unmodeled dynamics and parametrical errors
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2007)
This paper investigates the presence of oscillating solutions in time-varying difference equations even in the case when there exist parametrical errors (i.e., errors in the sequences defining their coefficients) and/or ...
Stability Results for Switched Linear Systems with Constant Discrete Delays
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008)
This paper investigates the stability properties of switched systems possessing several parameterizations (or configurations) while being subject to internal constant point delays. Some of the stability results are formulated ...
A Data Dropout Compensation Algorithm Based on the Iterative Learning Control Methodology for Discrete-Time Systems
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015)
This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its ...
Sliding mode control law for a variable speedwind turbine
(WSEAS, 2011)
Modern wind turbines are designed in order to work in variable speed operations. To perform this task, wind turbines are provided with adjustable speed generators, like the double feed induction generator. One of the main ...