Now showing items 1-10 of 1159
Análisis del paisaje fortificado de la Última Guerra Carlista (1872-1876) en el Gran Bilbao a través de Sistemas de Información Geográfica
(Euskal Herriko Ubibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco, 2019-01)
[ES] Las guerras carlistas fueron unos hechos sumamente centrales en la historia reciente
del País Vasco. Su desarrollo generó una amplia variedad de patrimonio arquitectónico de tipo
militar (fuertes, blockhaus, baterías, ...
Analysis of the Static Mechanical Properties of Iron-Based Alloys deposited by Extreme High-Speed Laser Material Deposition for Additive Manufacturingor Repair Applications
(INGLÉS) The objective of the following work is to analyze the feasibility of extreme high-speed laser material deposition advanced manufacturing process (EHLA) for the repair of E355 steel components. The verification is ...
NOMA-based 802.11g/n: PHY analysis and MAC implementation
Industry 4.0 can be considered as the industrial revolution of the current century. Among others, one of its main objectives is the replacement of wired communications by wireless connectivity. The idea is to overcome the ...
Gorputz Hezkuntza eta IKTak: Irakasleen lana eta elkarrekintza bultzatzeko proposamena
Proiektu honek Gorputz Hezkuntza eta IKTak bateragarriak izan daitezkeela erakutsi
nahi izan dugu, bi alorren arteko elkarrekintzarekin ikasgaiko profesionalentzat
baliagarria izan daitekeen lana eratuz. Hori lortzeko, ...
Multilingual word embeddings and their utility in cross-lingual learning
Word embeddings - dense vector representations of a word’s distributional semantics - are an indespensable component of contemporary natural language processing (NLP). Bilingual embeddings, in particular, have attracted ...
EGela Pre: hezkuntza espetxean IKTen bitartez
Lan honetan, EGela Pre, LMS eredu baten diseinuaren garapena eta inplementazioa
azalduko da. Berau, espetxeetatik ikasten duten ikasleen baldintza berezietara moldatuko
da. Ikasle presoa izateagatik ematen diren baldintzak ...
Gizarte zientziak ikasgaia Blended Learning ereduarekin lantzeko proposamena
Proiektu honetan ikasleek gizarte zientziak ikasgaiarekin dituzten arazoak aztertu dira.
Horretarako ikasgaia irakasterako orduan dauden arazoak eta ikasleak kontzeptu
batzuk ulertzeko zailtasunak aztertu dira. Horrela ...
Adolescencias trans*: agencia y resistencias contra la transfobia
En este estudio, por un lado, se realiza un análisis de la transfobia sistemática y estructural a la que están expuestas las vivencias trans* adolescentes, teniendo en cuenta principalmente y de forma transversal los ...
Discovering Gemba Walks Good Practices within Industrial Lean Applications
Gemba is a Japanese term meaning the real place, the place where value is created. In manufacturing, the shop-floor. Gemba Walk is the lean practice referred to the action of visiting the Gemba. Top management involvement ...
Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Flange Study
The purpose of this research is to study the conditions of bolted flange connections for offshore wind turbines. In this particular study, M72 bolts preloaded up to three hundred tonnes will be analysed. The research will ...