Now showing items 31-40 of 229
Total Stability Properties Based on Fixed Point Theory for a Class of Hybrid Dynamic Systems
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2009)
Robust stability results for nominally linear hybrid systems are obtained from total stability theorems for purely continuous-time and discrete-time systems by using the powerful tool of fixed point theory. The class of ...
Stability and assignment of spectrum in systems with discrete time lags
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006)
The asymptotic stability with a prescribed degree of time delayed systems subject to multiple bounded discrete delays has received important attention in the last years. It is basically proved that the alpha-stability ...
Fractional hold circuits versus positive realness of discrete transfer functions
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005)
The appropriate use of fractional-order holds(beta-FROH) of correcting gains beta is an element of[- 1,1] as an alternative to the classical zero- and first-order holds(ZOHs, FOHs) is discussed related to the positive ...
On a Generalized Time-Varying SEIR Epidemic Model with Mixed Point and Distributed Time-Varying Delays and Combined Regular and Impulsive Vaccination Controls
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010)
This paper discusses a generalized time-varying SEIR propagation disease model subject to delays which potentially involves mixed regular and impulsive vaccination rules. The model takes also into account the natural ...
About the properties of a modified generalized Beverton-Holt equation in ecology models
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008)
This paper is devoted to the study of a generalized modified version of the well-known Beverton-Holt equation in ecology. The proposed model describes the population evolution of some species in a certain habitat driven ...
Robustly stable multiestimation scheme for adaptive control and identification with model reduction issues
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005)
A discrete pole-placement-based and multiestimation-based adaptive control scheme involving a relative adaptation dead zone is presented for a plant with known poles and unknown zeros., The basic usefulness of the proposed ...
Adaptive control of time-invariant systems with discrete delays subject to multiestimation
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006)
This paper deals with a robustly stable adaptive pole-placement-based controller for time-delay linear systems with unknown point delays within known intervals of sufficiently small lengths under unmodeled dynamics and ...
On the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Set of Matrices to Commute and Some Further Linked Results
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2009)
This paper investigates the necessary and sufficient condition for a set of (real or complex) matrices to commute. It is proved that the commutator [A,B]=0 for two matrices A and B if and only if a vector v(B) defined ...
Stabilization criteria for continuous linear time-invariant systems with constant lags
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006)
Some criteria for asymptotic stability of linear and time-invariant systems with constant point delays are derived. Such criteria are concerned with the properties of robust stability related to two relevant auxiliary ...
Observer-Based Vaccination Strategy for a True Mass Action SEIR Epidemic Model with Potential Estimation of All the Populations
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2011)
This paper presents a simple continuous-time linear vaccination-based control strategy for a SEIR (susceptible plus infected plus infectious plus removed populations) propagation disease model. The model takes into account ...