Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A reduced reference video quality assessment method for provision as a service over SDN/NFV-enabled networks
The proliferation of multimedia applications and services has generarted a noteworthy upsurge in network traffic regarding video content and has created the need for trustworthy service quality assessment methods. Currently, ...
Design and optimization of a three phase inductive power transfer system
El concepto de transporte sostenible dentro de las ciudades debe ser reconsiderado para poder así tener áreas urbanas más saludables. Es un hecho bien conocido que en las grandes ciudades sufren de grandes problemas de ...
Modeling and Control of Oscillating Water Column Devices for Ocean Energy Conversion.
The work elaborated in this Ph. D. thesis focused on the modeling and control of an OWC device installed in the NEREIDA wave power plant of Mutriku. The main contributions are the development of a proper MATLAB/Simulink ...
Quantification, design and methodologies for the implementation of new energy planning models for socio-economic development
Egungo eredu energetikoa ez da iraunkorra, sortzen dituen ingurumen inpaktu eta injustizia sozialak jasanezinak baitira. Gainera, baliabide fosilen top-down erako kudeaketak egungo eredu energetikoa krisi ekonomikoetara ...