Gipuzkoako udalen finantza kaudimenaren rankinga ratio aipagarrienen analisiaren arabera
Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas = Enpresen Zuzendaritza eta Administrazio Aldizkaria (22):162-348 (2015)
[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia,Gipuzkoako udalen finantza kaudimena aztertzeaz gain, beraien arteko konparaketa bat egin ahal izatea zen. Beste modu batera esanda,egoera hobeagoan dauden udalak nortzuk diren identifikatu ahal izatea. Hasi aurretik bagenekien, ordea, udal baten finantza kaudimena ez dagoela faktore bat edo biren arabera soilik, eta gauza asko subjektiboak direla ere bai. Gainera, eragina duten baldintza guztiak kontuan hartzea ere zaila da. Kasu honetan, 9-10 adierazle aukeratu dira, ondoren udal bakoitzak besteekin konparatuz adierazle horretan lortutako zenbatekoa 1etik 10erako puntuazio batekin baloratu da, eta azkenik, udaletxe guztien ranking bat osatu da. Ondorengo lerroetan ikus daiteke ranking honen testuingurua,erabilitako metodologia eta egindako kalkuluen ondorio nagusiak ere. [EN]The main aim of making this project was, apart from estimating the financial
solvency of the town halls of Gipuzkoa, is to be able to make a comparison between
them. In other words, I would like to identify which cities or towns have a better
financial situation than others. There was no doubt that the financial solvency of a town hall does not depend only in one or two factors, and a great deal of thing are quite subjective as well. In addition, it is difficult to consider every conditions that affect on the financial solvency. In this case, I have chosen 9-10, and the amount each town has
got has been compared to others, in order to punctuate them from 1point to 10 points.
Finally, we would get a complete ranking, where the city/town with the most points
would be in first place. In the following lines, it can be seen the context of the ranking,the methodology used and the consequences we get from that work.