El viajero alemán y Euskal-Herria entre el siglo XV y el siglo XIX
Estudios sobre interculturalidad en literatura y traducción = Kulturartekotasuna literaturan eta iztulpengintzan: zenbait azterlan : 61-83 (2006)
[EN] The starting-point for this paper is the consideration of travelling as a fundamental intercultural experience for the construction of cultural awareness in a broad sense. More specifically travel descriptions written about a certain culture have a determinant relevance for the construction of conscious cultural identity. In this case, the research scope refers to the Basque culture.
As the point of view of other cultures is a determinant factor for the construction of a conscious cultural identity, travel descriptions written by German travelers from the 15th century up to the 19th century (such as Baumgärtner, Harff, Grosse, Kaufholz, Lorinser, etc.) about their experiences and observations in the Basque Country are analyzed in this paper in order to observe the evolution of the cultural image throughout history.