Sensorimotor activation related to speaker vs. listener role during natural conversation
Ikusi/ Ireki
Mandel, Anne
Bourguignon, Mathieu
Parkkonen, Lauri
Hari, Riitta
Anne Mandel, Mathieu Bourguignon, Lauri Parkkonen, Riitta Hari, Sensorimotor activation related to speaker vs. listener role during natural conversation, Neuroscience Letters, Volume 614, 12 February 2016, Pages 99-104, ISSN 0304-3940,
Although the main function of speech is communication, the brain bases of speaking and listening are typically
studied in single subjects, leaving unsettled how brain function supports interactive vocal exchange.
Here we used whole-scalp magnetoencephalography (MEG) to monitor modulation of sensorimotor brain
rhythms related to the speaker vs. listener roles during natural conversation.
Nine dyads of healthy adults were recruited. The partners of a dyad were engaged in live conversations
via an audio link while their brain activity was measured simultaneously in two separate MEG
The levels of
∼10-Hz and
∼20-Hz rolandic oscillations depended on the speaker vs. listener role. In the
left rolandic cortex, these oscillations were consistently (by
∼20%) weaker during speaking than listening.
At the turn changes in conversation, the level of the
∼10 Hz oscillations enhanced transiently around 1.0
or 2.3 s before the end of the partner’s turn.
Our findings indicate left-hemisphere-dominant involvement of the sensorimotor cortex during own
speech in natural conversation. The
∼10-Hz modulations could be related to preparation for starting
one’s own turn, already before the partner’s turn has finished.