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      Scalability of an Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation solver with hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation 

      Ouro, Pablo; Fraga, Bruño; López Novoa, Unai; Stoesser, Thorsten (Elsevier, 2019-01-30)
      Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches capable of accurately reproducing complex fluid flows are becoming more and more popular due to the increasing availability and capacity of High Performance Computing facilities. However, the ...
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      Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques for dynamic task offloading in the 5G edge-cloud continuum 

      Nieto, Gorka; De la Iglesia, Idoia; López Novoa, Unai; Perfecto del Amo, Cristina Begoña ORCID (Springer, 2024-05-03)
      The integration of new Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services heavily relies on task offloading to external devices due to the constrained computing and battery resources of IoT devices. Up to now, Cloud Computing ...
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      Implementation of a scalable platform for real-time monitoring of machine tools 

      Tapia, Endika; López Novoa, Unai; Sastoque Pinilla, Edwar Leonard; López de Lacalle Marcaide, Luis Norberto (Elsevier, 2024-02-01)
      In the new hyper connected factories, data gathering, and prediction models are key to keeping both productivity and piece quality. This paper presents a software platform that monitors and detects outliers in an industrial ...
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      Neurolipid systems: A new target for the treatment of dementia 

      Pereira Castelo, Gorka; Bengoetxea de Tena, Iker; Martínez Gardeazabal, Jonatan; Moreno Rodríguez, Marta; González de San Román, Estíbaliz; Manuel Vicente, Iván ORCID; Rodríguez Puertas, Rafael ORCID (Wiley, 2024-09-22)
      Neurolipids comprise a diverse class of bioactive lipids that include molecules capable of activating G protein-coupled receptors, thereby inducing systemic effects that contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis. Dementia, ...