Egungo trenbideen komunikazio-sistemen erronka: segurtasuna
Ekaia 34 : 211-224 (2018)
Railway systems have evolved considerably in the last years with the adop-tion of new communication technologies. Aiming to achieve a single European railway network, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) was created to sub-stitute the multiple and non-interoperable national railway communication standards. But with the creation of the new system, new challenges in security were created; in fact, closed and unkown systems were replaced by open protocols and known technol-ogies. Therefore, even if improvements have been done, there are still gaps to cover in the field of security.; Trenbide-sistemak asko aldatu dira azken urteotan komunikazio-teknologia berrien sorkuntzarekin batera. Europan, trenbide-sare bakarra izateko nahiarekin, ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) sistema sortu zen, elkarrekiko bateragarriak ez ziren Europako herrialdeetako kudeaketa-sistema estandar ezberdinak ordezteko. Baina sistema berria sortzearekin batera, segurtasunaren inguruko hainbat erronka berri ere sortu ziren; izan ere, ERTMS aurreko sistema itxi eta ezezagunak protokolo ireki eta teknologia ezagunez ordeztu ziren. Ondorioz, aurrerapausoak eman diren arren, oraindik ere hutsune nabarmenak daude segurtasunaren arloan.