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dc.contributor.authorAizpurua Olaizola, Oier
dc.contributor.authorNavarro Villaverde, Patricia
dc.contributor.authorEtxebarria Loizate, Nestor
dc.contributor.authorUsobiaga Epelde, Aresatz ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia N. Extra : 77-88 (2018)
dc.description.abstractTesi hau bi zutabe nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoan, ardo-hondakinen balioa handitzeko metodologia bat garatu genuen. Lehenik, ardo-hondakinetatik polife-nolak eta gantz-azidoak, bakoitza bere aldetik, erauzi genituen jariakin gainkritikoak erabiliz. Polifenolak ez dira oso egonkorrak, ordea, eta gorputzean bioeskuragarrita-sun baxua dute. Arazo horiek konpontzeko, polifenolak mikrokapsularatzeko teknika bat garatu genuen. Bigarren zutabean, etorkizun hurbilean kannabisa sendagai bezala erabili ahal izateko, 3 urrats eman genituen. Alde batetik, landare ezberdinak efektu ez-berdinekin lotzea ahalbide dezakeen landareen kannabinoideen hatz-marka osatzeko analisi-teknika garatu genuen. Bestetik, gernuan eta plasman kannabinoideak eta euren metabolitoak kuantifikatzeko metodo bat ere garatu genuen. Azkenik, konposatu pu-ruen eta landare mota jakinen produkzioa optimizatzeko, kimiotipo ezberdineko landa-reen hazkuntzan zeharreko kannabinoideen eta terpenoen garapena aztertu genuen.; This thesis was divided in two lines of research. On the one hand, supercrit-ical fluid extraction was successfully applied to a sequential fractionation of fatty acids and polyphenols from wine wastes. Unfortunately, polyphenols have poor long-term stability and poor bioavailability, so they were microencapsulated. On the other hand, 3 different studies were done around medical use of cannabis. Firstly, in order to corre-late plants with their physiological effects, an analysis method was developed to estab-lish the cannabinoid fingerprinting of different cannabis plants. A method for the quan-tification of major cannabinoids and their metabolites in human urine and plasma was also developed. Finally, in order to optimize the production of bioactive compounds, the evolution of cannabinoid and terpene content of different chemotype plants during their growth was studied.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleAtzoko baliabideak, biharko osasuna: ardo-hondakinak eta kannabisa
dc.rights.holder© 2018, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

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