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dc.contributor.authorOregi Isasi, Xabat ORCID
dc.contributor.authorOtaño, Maitane
dc.contributor.authorHernandez, Patxi
dc.contributor.authorHernandez, Rufino
dc.identifier.citationEkaia N. Extra : 143-162 (2018)
dc.description.abstractEraikuntza-sektorerako bizi-ziklo analisiaren metodologia estandarizatu arren, ikertzaileek sistemaren irismenaren inguruan sinplifikazio batzuk aplikatzeko joera dute bizi-zikloaren fase batzuk alde batera utziz. Birgaitze energetikoetan, erabile-ra-etapan jartzen da arreta bereziki, energiaren erabilera murriztea baita birgaitze horien helburu nagusia. Artikulu honek etxebizitzen birgaitze energetikoko proiektuetan, ingu-rumen- eta ekonomia-inpaktu orokorrarekin alderatuta, bizi-zikloko etapa bakoitzaren garrantzia ebaluatzen du. Azterketa kasuko birgaitze-estrategien analisiaren emaitzen arabera, garraio- eta deuseztatze-etapek garrantzi txikia dutela ikusten da. Eraikuntza-prozesuaren etapak ere garrantzi txikia du ingurumen-azterketan. Ekoizpen-, mantentze- eta ordezkatze-etapek, oro har, garrantzi handiagoa dute, batez ere, ebaluazio ekonomi-korako. Sentsibilitate-analisi zabal batek bizi-zikloaren mugak sinplifikatzeak dakartzan zailtasunak erakusten ditu, azterketa hauek klima, eraikinaren tipologia, edo aurreikusi-tako erabilera-bizitza bezalako aldagaiekin duten lotura zuzena azalduz.; Despite the standardization of the life-cycle assessment methodology for the construction sector, analysts tend to apply some simplifications in relation to the system boundaries, omitting some of the life-cycle stages. In particular, for building energy refurbishment projects, there is a general focus on the operational stage, linked to the main objective of reducing operational energy use. This paper evaluates the relevance of each life-cycle stage in relation to the overall environmental and economic impact on residential building energy refurbishment projects. The results from the anal-ysis of the refurbishment strategies at a case study in Spain show the relatively minor importance of the transport and end of life stages. The construction process stage is also of relatively minor importance regarding the environmental performance. The product, maintenance and replacement stages are generally of higher importance, par-ticularly for economic evaluation. An extensive sensitivity analysis demonstrates the difficulties of simplifying the life-cycle boundaries, suggesting that potential simplifi-cations should take into account various parameters, including the climate region, building typologies, and expected service life.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleBizi-ziklo analisiaren irismenaren optimizazioa eraikinen birgaitze energetikoen ingurumen- eta ekonomia-analisietan
dc.rights.holder© 2018, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

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