[EUS] Artikulu honek alemanetik euskaratutako unitate fraseologikoen itzulpena izango du aztergai. Hori
egin ahal izateko, 3,5 milioi hitz inguru dituen corpus digitalizatu, lerrokatu eta eleanitza sortu
dugu, AleuskaPhraseo corpusa, alegia. Itzulpen moduak –hau da, sorburu- eta xede-testuaren arteko
harremanak– berebiziko garrantzia dauka gure kasuan, itzulpen asko –batez ere haur eta gazte literaturan
(HGL)– zeharka, zubi-bertsio batetik abiatuta, egin izan direlako, eta egiten direlako. Corpusean, bai
ustez zuzenean bai ustez zeharka itzuli diren testuak jaso ditugu, bien artean dauden berdintasun eta
desberdintasunak deskribatzeko asmoz. Horretaz gain, HGLko eta helduen literaturako (HL) testuak
itzultzearen artean alderik ba ote dagoen ere aztertuko dugu.
[EN] The object of study of the present paper will be the German-into-Basque translation of phraseological
units. For this purpose, the digitised, parallel and multilingual AleuskaPhraseo corpus, which consists of
around 3.5 million words, was built. The translation mode – i.e. the relationship between the source and
target text – is of great importance in our case, since many translations – especially children’s literature
(CL) texts – have been done, and are still done, indirectly through an intermediary text. In the corpus,
assumed direct and indirect translations have been included, in order to describe the differences and
similarities between both of them. In addition, it will be determined if there is any difference between CL
and AL (adult literature) text translation.