Haurren autonomia goiztiarraren garapena eta Haur Hezkuntza Graduko irakaslegaiak. Aldagai parte-hartzaileak.
Tantak 32(1) : 33-58 (2020)
The aim of this study is to know the beliefs and attitudes of early childhood teacher training students concerning the autonomy of babies and toddlers (0-3). For such purpose, a questionnaire has been created and implemented, with inconsistent results initially, leading to the centering of the answers given by the participants employing the average of each subject for each item as individual norm. The results confirm the fragility of the development of early autonomy, because while the effect of university training on some questions in the form of informed beliefs is evident, it is poor among many others that are rather simplistic associated with the familiar educational styles experienced in childhood. We have proceeded to analyze the differences in these beliefs according to the following variables: gender, studies of origin and ownership of the center in which these studies are taken. The results obtained show significant differences by gender coherent with the feminized character of the profession and of the studies. Likewise, students that come from the Higher Degree in Pre-School Education tend to value differentially the practical aspects of the profession more than the theoretical ones. The ownership of the university center, private or public, also throws differences regarding the educational style.; Ikerlan honen helburua Haur Hezkuntza Graduko ikasleriak haur-autonomia goiztiarrarekiko (0-3 urte) dituen sinesteak ezagutzea da. Horretarako, galdetegi bat sortu eta aplikatu da, hasieran sendotasunik gabeko emaitzekin, eta hori dela eta parte-hartzaileen erantzunak zentratzeari ekin zaio. Emaitzek autonomia horren garapenaren hauskortasuna konfirmatu dute. Ikasleen sineste gutxi batzuk informatuak badira ere, hau da, unibertsitate formakuntzaren ondoriozkoak, gehienak sinplistak dira, haurtzaroan bizi izandako guraso-estiloei loturik. Sineste horiek generoaren, gradurako sarbide-ikasketen eta gradua egiten ari diren zentroaren titulartasunaren arabera aztertzeko orduan, lehenengoak koherente agertzen dira lanbide eta ikasketa hauen izaera feminizatuarekin; Lanbide-Heziketako Haur Hezkuntzako goi mailako ziklotik datorren ikasleriak lanbidearen alderdi praktikoak teorikoak baino hobeto baloratzeko joera adierazten du eta unibertsitateko zentroaren titulartasunak ere desberdintasunak agertzen ditu hezkuntza estiloa publikoa edo pribatua izatearen araberaGAKO-HITZAK: Sinesteak, haur-autonomia goiztiarra, Haur Hezkuntzako Gradua, generoa, jatorriko ikasketak, zentroaren titulartasuna ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to know the beliefs and attitudes of early childhood teacher training students concerning the autonomy of babies and toddlers (0-3). For such purpose, a questionnaire has been created and implemented, with inconsistent results initially, leading to the centering of the answers given by the participants employing the average of each subject for each item as individual norm. The results confirm the fragility of the development of early autonomy, because while the effect of university training on some questions in the form of informed beliefs is evident, it is poor among many others that are rather simplistic associated with the familiar educational styles experienced in childhood. We have proceeded to analyze the differences in these beliefs according to the following variables: gender, studies of origin and ownership of the center in which these studies are taken. The results obtained show significant differences by gender coherent with the feminized character of the profession and of the studies. Likewise, students that come from the Higher Degree in Pre-School Education tend to value differentially the practical aspects of the profession more than the theoretical ones. The ownership of the university center, private or public, also throws differences regarding the educational style.KEYWORDS: Beliefs, early autonomy, degree in early childhood education, teacher training, filter, centered scores, gender, previous training.