Hiztegiak eta corpusak
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 52(1-2) : 733-749 (2018)
Lan honetan corpus bat oinarri harturik egindako hiztegiez dihardut. Lehenik, corpusek hiztegigintza nola aldatu duten azaltzen dut, eta corpusen kudeaketan informatikak ematen dituen erraztasunak. Bigarrenik, erabilera-adibideak hautatzeko irizpide ezberdinak aztertzen ditut, gehi alor honetan sortzen diren arazo batzuk, gaur egungo euskal hiztegien adibideak erabilirik.; In this work I discuss the dictionaries that have a corpus as their base. Firstly, I explain how corpus have changed lexicographical work and the way that computer technology has made it easier to work with such corpus. Secondly, I examine the different criterion that can be used in order to choose examples of usage for a dictionary, as well as some of the difficulties which emerge in this field, using examples from current Basque dictionaries.