Microtabs (MTs) are a regularly used flow control device in terms of wind turbine optimization. The present study introduces the application of the novel cell-set model for an MT implementation on a DU91W(2)250 airfoil. The cell-set model is based on the reusability of a mesh to add new geometries on the domain; the matching geometry is located where the user requires, and a set of cells is constructed around the mentioned geometry. Subsequently, wall boundaries are assigned to the generated region. Computational simulations were carried out for fully mesh and cell-set models: MT lengths were set at 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% of the airfoil chord length (c) and the MTs were placed at 93% and 95% of c from the leading edge of the airfoil. Resulting data showed that the MT behavior was similar for both models with regard to aerodynamic performance curve representations. A global relative error of 3.784% was obtained for the cell-set model and a maximum relative error of 7.332% was determined. Qualitatively, both models generated significantly similar flow stream velocity wakes on the trailing edge area of the airfoil.