Familia-aniztasunaren trataera Haur Hezkuntzako gelan: prestatuta al daude irakasleak?
Tantak 32(2) : 127-159 (2020)
Familiaren bilakaerak kontzeptualizazio berria ekarri du, hainbat familia-eredurekin batera. Hori dela eta, ikerketa honek familia-aniztasuna ezagutzea eta Haur Hezkuntzako etapatik ematen zaion erantzuna aztertzea du helburu. Horretarako, ikerketa bat egin da Bilboko 7 eskolatako 48 irakaslerekin. Ad hoc galdetegi bat sortu da, ikastetxe horiek familia-aniztasunari ematen dioten erantzuna aztertzeko, bai profesionalen ikuspuntutik, bai erakundetik bertatik. Jasotako datuak kuantitatiboki aztertu ostean, bi mailetan hobetzeko alderdiak daudela ondorioztatu da, baita zenbait aldagaik, hala nola profesionalen adinak edo ikastetxeetan dauden familia-ereduek eragina dutela eskolan familia-aniztasunari ematen zaion tratamenduan. Azkenik, guztiak hezkuntzan dituen inplikazioak eztabaidatzen dira.; The evolution of the family has given rise to a new conceptualisation, along with different family models. Thus, the aim of this research is to be aware of family diversity and analyse the response given by the school at Early Childhood Education. To that end, a study with 48 teachers from 7 schools of Bilbao has been carried out. An ad hoc questionnaire has been developed, in order to evaluate the response given to family diversity by those schools from the point of view of the professionals as well as from the institution itself. Once the gathered information has been examined, it comes to the conclusion that there are aspects to improve in both levels and that variables, such as the age of the professionals or the family models with which they work at school, have influence in the treatment given to family diversity in those schools. Finally, the educational implications of the entire above are discussed.