Implementation of a Surgery Congress for Medical Students to Learn Transversal Competences. A Case of Student-Led Teaching Activity
Ikusi/ Ireki
Herrero de la Parte, Borja
Santaolalla Sánchez, María
Santaolalla Sánchez, Francisco Javier
Sánchez del Rey, Ana
Education Sciences 11(9) : (2021) // Article ID 536
Background: A dynamic training approach close to clinical work and research is highly requested by health sciences students. The aim of this paper is to present the organizational model of a student-promoted and student-managed surgical congress that encourages the acquisition of transversal competencies among the students in charge of the organization of the Congress. Methods: A two-day surgical congress for medical students organized by themselves was held. Each day comprised two separate sections corresponding to different surgical specialties; sections included three types of activities: conferences, round tables with guest professors, and practical workshops. Once the Congress had finished, an online survey was carried out to evaluate 10 items scored from 1 to 4. To assess the acquisition of transversal competences among the students organizing the congress, three evaluations were carried out by the professor involved in the organization of the congress. Results: The congress had great acceptance among the students, filling 150 available places with an attendance rate of 100%. The survey showed a high assessment of the subjects (3.48/4), conferences (3.48/4) and workshops (3.27/4). Evaluation of the round tables was significantly lower (2/4). A total of 99% considered the congress to have been useful in its formation process and 100% would recommend it. The grade of transversal competences among the students organizing the congress showed a significant increase between the first and the third evaluation, being between 1.24 and 7.25 times higher. Conclusions: the student-led student surgical congress is a well-evaluated activity for medical students, and promotes, among its organizers, the acquisition of transversal competences.
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