Aniztasun identitariotik, XX. mendeko bilbainismora. Bilbotar identitateak, hauen arteko harremanak eta bilakaerak XX. mendean zehar.
[EUS] Identitate soziala kolektibitate baten partaide izatearen
sentimendu bezala definitu daiteke. Partaide izatearen sentimendu hori
elementu ezberdinek osatzen dute: ama hizkuntzak, klase sozialak,
ideologiak…, elementu horiek identitatea eraiki eta kohesionatzeko funtzioa
beteko dutelarik. Lan honek XX. mendean zehar bilbotar identitatearen
eraikuntzan parte hartu duten elementuak aztertuko ditu. Lanak XX. mendean
zehar egiten duen ibilbidean, identitate bakoitzak bere hedapenerako erabili
dituen baliabideak, identitate ezberdinen arteko harreman dialektikoa (edo
hegemoniaren bataila) edota industrializazioaren garapenak identitateetan
izan duen eragina ikusiko dugu. Bide beretik, koiuntura politikoak eta hiriaren
hazkunde demografikoak identitateen bilakaera baldintzatzerako orduan izan
duten papera aztertuko da. Azkenik, lan honek, XXI. mendeko
bilbainismoaren inguruko hipotesia planteatuko du. Horretarako, identitate
berri hori eraiki duten ardatzak mahaigaineratuko dira. [EN] Social identity is defined as a feeling of belonging to a collective.
This sense of belonging is constructed through differing elements, such as
social class, ideology and language, which will have the function of
constructing and giving cohesion to identity. This article aims to analyse the
elements that have constructed a Bilbao identity during the twentieth century.
The article, which looks at the whole of the twentieth century, will analyse the
means by which Bilbao identities have developed, the dialectical relationship
between distinct identities (or the struggle for hegemony) and how
industrialisation has conditioned this development of identities. In the same
way, it will analyse the role of the different political conjunctures and of
population growth over the course of the century. Finally, the article will
propose a hypothesis about the Bilbao identity of the twenty first century, by
exploring the axes on which this new identity has been built.