A descriptive analysis of Basque hypocoristics
Ikusi/ Ireki
Salaberri Zaratiegi, Patxi
Salaberri Izko, Iker
Fontes Linguae Vasconum 117 : 187‒211 (2014)
This paper aims at providing a description of the means available nowadays for hypocoristization in Basque, although it is not our intention
to limit our investigation to present-day pet names. We have considered it
relevant to go back to the origins in which the modern system is rooted.
With this aim in mind, we have analyzed historically common hypocoristics
and the patterns that these follow as well. One of our findings is that the historical and present-day patterns for forming hypocoristics are the same, although it is no longer the case that their productiveness and liveliness has remained unaltered. We therefore claim to provide a panchronic view of Basque hypocoristics in this paper.