BACKGROUND: Feature selection is a relevant step in the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing datasets. Most of the current feature selection methods are based on general univariate descriptors of the data such as the dispersion or the percentage of zeros. Despite the use of correction methods, the generality of these feature selection methods biases the genes selected towards highly expressed genes, instead of the genes defining the cell populations of the dataset.
RESULTS: Triku is a feature selection method that favors genes defining the main cell populations. It does so by selecting genes expressed by groups of cells that are close in the k-nearest neighbor graph. The expression of these genes is higher than the expected expression if the k-cells were chosen at random. Triku efficiently recovers cell populations present in artificial and biological benchmarking datasets, based on adjusted Rand index, normalized mutual information, supervised classification, and silhouette coefficient measurements. Additionally, gene sets selected by triku are more likely to be related to relevant Gene Ontology terms and contain fewer ribosomal and mitochondrial genes.
CONCLUSION: Triku is developed in Python 3 and is available at