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dc.contributor.advisorLizundia Fernández, Erlantz ORCID
dc.contributor.authorRey Aguilera, Irene
dc.contributor.otherMáster en Ingeniería Energética Sostenible
dc.contributor.otherIngeniaritza Energetiko Iraunkorra Masterra
dc.description.abstractEn este trabajo se analiza la viabilidad ambiental de diez métodos de síntesis de cátodos de NVP en baterías de sodio, mediante la metodología del análisis de ciclo de vida de la cuna a la puerta, utilizando el software libre OpenLCA. El principal beneficio consiste en proporcionar apoyo para lograr avances en el desarrollo de cátodos sostenibles más allá del ion de litio.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, and mainly due to the development of the electric vehicle industry, the use of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has experienced considerable growth, causing serious environmental problems. In this regard, research into alternative energy storage systems that are electrochemically efficient, economically cost-effective and environmentally sustainable is being promoted. Sodium-ion batteries (NIBs) are of particular interest due to several aspects that make them strong competitors to LIBs, in particular their environmental sustainability. The Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP) cathode is a popular choice, but requires further improvements to increase its electrochemical performance, especially in terms of rate capability and lifetime. In this work, the environmental feasibility of ten Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode synthesis methods is analysed by the cradle-to-gate life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology using the free OpenLCA software. The impacts of 18 indicators normalised to 1 kg of cathode and 1 kWh of storage capacity are shown, based on lab-scale approaches. GWP values of 423.9-1380.0 kg·CO2-eq.·kgcathode-1 and 539.8- 1622.1 kg·CO2-eq.·kWhcathode-1 are obtained considering the Na3V2(PO4)3 half-cell configuration. Single carbon additives mixed with Na3V2(PO4)3 provide a good balance between GWP and storage capacity, although the retention of sacrificed capacity hinders reuse strategies. A sensitivity analysis shows a reduction of between 16.93% and 38.06% when switching from a common to a fully renewable energy mix. This work is expected to serve as a basis for advances in the development of sustainable cathodes beyond lithium ion.
dc.description.abstractAzken urteotan, eta batez ere ibilgailu elektrikoen industriaren garapenaren ondorioz, litio-ioizko baterien (LIB) erabilera nabarmen hazi da, ingurumen-arazo larriak eraginez. Zentzu horretan, elektrokimikoki eraginkorrak, ekonomikoki errentagarriak eta ingurumenaren aldetik jasangarriak diren energia biltegiratzeko sistema alternatiboen ikerketa sustatzen ari da. Sodio- ioizko bateriek (NIB) interes berezia pizten dute LIBen egokiak indartsuak bihurtzen dituzten alderdi ezberdinengatik. Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP) katodoa ezaguna da, baina hobekuntza gehiago behar ditu bere errendimendu elektrokimikoa hobetzeko, batez ere kargatze-abiadura eta bizitza- iraupenari dagokionez. Lan honetan, 10 Na3V2(PO4)3 katodoen sintesi metodoen ingurumen- bideragarritasuna aztertzen da cradle-to-gate bizi-zikloaren analisiaren metodologiaren bidez. Horratarako, OpenLCA software librea erabili da. 1 kg katodo eta 1 kWh biltegiratze- ahalmenarekin normalizatutako 18 adierazleren inpaktuak erakusten dira, laborategiko eskalan planteamenduak kontuan hartuta. GWP balioak 423.9-1380.0 kg·CO2-eq.·kg eta 539.8-1622.1 kg·CO2-eq.·kWh Na3V2(PO4)3 erdi-zelula konfigurazioa kontuan hartuta lortzen dira. Na3V2(PO4)3-rekin nahasten diren karbono gehigarri sinpleek berotegi efektu eta biltegiratze- ahalmenaren arteko oreka ona eskaintzen dute. Sentsibilitate-analisiak %16.93 eta %38.06 arteko murrizketa erakusten du ohiko konfigurazio energetikotik guztiz berriztagarria den energía batera igarotzea. Lanak litio-ioiaz haratago katodo jasangarrien garapenean aurrera egiteko oinarri gisa balioko duela espero da.
dc.subjectbaterías de sodio
dc.subjectanálisis de ciclo de vida
dc.titleAnálisis de ciclo de vida de baterías de sodio: alternativa sostenible de almacenamiento de energíaes_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (cc by-nc-sa)
dc.contributor.degreeMáster Universitario en Ingeniería Energética Sostenible
dc.contributor.degreeIngeniaritza Energetiko Iraunkorra Unibertsitate Masterra

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