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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Burguera, Imanol
dc.contributor.authorGrandío Busto, Ana
dc.contributor.otherF. FARMACIA
dc.contributor.otherFARMAZIA F.
dc.description25 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 19-24
dc.description.abstract[EUS] Digestio-sistemako gaixotasunen artean, Heste Meharreko Gainhazkuntza Bakterianoa (SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) aurkitzen da. Gomendio terapeutikoak farmakoterapian oinarritzen diren arren, gaixotasun honen sintomak arintzeko hainbat estrategia dietetiko proposatu izan dira. Halaber, gero eta ikerketa gehiago egiten ari dira SIBO gaixotasunarentzako estrategia dietetikoak frogatzeko. Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburuak, proposatutako estrategia dietetikoen eraginkortasuna aztertzea, eraginkorrena identifikatzea eta aurkitutako informazio baliagarria era ulergarrian aurkeztea dira, Dietista-Nutrizionistek erreferentzia moduan erabili dezaten. Horretarako, Pubmed eta Dialnet datu baseetan eta Google Scholar bilatzaile akademikoan aukeratutako gaiaren inguruko berrikuspenak bilatu eta bertan hauetan aipatutako ikerketetako emaitzak era inklusibo batean bildu dira. Proposatu diren estrategia dietetikoak FODMAP baxuko dieta, karbohidrato konplexuetan aberatsa den dieta, dieta begetarianoa eta beganoa eta dieta elementala izan dira. Horien artean, dieta elementala eta FODMAP baxuko dieta sintomen arintzean erabilgarrienak ematen duten arren, azken hau une honetan gaixotasun hau tratatzeko dieta egokiena dirudi, dieta elementala oso garestia delako eta epe motzerako baliogarria delako bakarrik. Begetariano eta beganoen kasuan, haien elikadura-patroiarekin jarraitu dezakete beraien dieta FODMAP baxukoa baldin bada. Hala ere, FODMAP baxuko dietaren inguruko berrikusitako ikerketa asko Heste Narritagarriaren Sindromean (IBS) oinarritzen direnez, SIBO-aren estrategia dietetikoen inguruan ondorio sendoak ateratzea zaila da.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] The Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is one of the diseases in the digestive system. Although therapeutic recommendations are based on pharmacotherapy, several dietary strategies have been proposed to mitigate the symptoms of this disease. Moreover, more and more studies are underway to demonstrate dietary strategies for SIBO disease. The aims of this Final Degree Project are to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed dietary strategies, identify the most effective one and present useful information so that dietitians can use it as a reference. Reviews related to the topic had been searched in Pubmed and Dialnet database and Google Scholar academic search engine and the results of these studies were compiled inclusively. The proposed dietary strategies are Low FODMAP Diet, diet rich in complex carbohydrates, vegan and vegetarian diets and elemental diet. Of these, although elemental diet and Low FODMAP Diet appear to be the most useful in mitigating symptoms, the second one seems to be the most suitable diet for treating this disease at the moment since elemental diet is very expensive and is only useful in the short term. In the case of vegetarians and vegans, they can follow their dietary pattern only if their diet is low in FODMAP. However, as much of the research reviewed on the FODMAP diet is based on the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), it is difficult to draw strong conclusions about the dietary strategies of SIBO.
dc.subjectheste meharreko gainhazkuntza bakterianoa(SIBO)es_ES
dc.subjectdieta elementala
dc.subjectkarbohidrato konplexuak
dc.subjectdieta beganoa
dc.subjectdieta begetarianoa
dc.subjectFODMAP baxuko dieta
dc.subjectheste narritagarriaren sindromea
dc.subjectsmall intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
dc.subjectelemental diet
dc.subjectcomplex carbohydrate
dc.subjectvegan diet
dc.subjectvegetarian diet
dc.subjectLow FODMAP diet
dc.subjectirritable bowel syndrome
dc.titleHeste meharreko gainhazkuntza bakterianoaren tratamendurako estrategia dietetikoakes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2022, la autora
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética
dc.contributor.degreeGiza Nutrizioko eta Dietetikako Gradua

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