Erromatar emakumeak lan munduan. Emakumeak, osasuna eta zaintza
Izaguirre Ayestarán, Maddi
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[EUS] Erromatar gizartea, bere hastapenez geroztik, modu hierarkizatu batean antolatuta egon zen eta eredu horretan emakumeak juridikoki bigarren mailan geratu ziren. Berezitasun horren oinarrian, neurri batean, gizarteak sortu zuen erromatar matrona idealaren eredua zegoen zeinak emakumea etxearen eta familiaren zaintzara mugatzen baitzuen, bizitza publikoko parte hartze orotik aparte utziz. Egoera horrek erromatar garai osoan indarrean jarraitu zuen arren, denborak aurrera egin ahala geroz eta gehiago urruntzen joan zen errealitatetik, Errepublika amaieratik gizartean gertatzen ari ziren aldaketek emakumeen bizimoduari eragin baitzioten. Hala ere, gaur egunera arte mantendu den zerbait badago hori emakumeek osasun eta zaintza arloetan izan duten garrantzia da, mundu erromatarrean ere emagin, mediku, inude eta farmakopea modura emakumeek zeresan handia izan baitzuten. Medikuntza-ezagutzak, ordea, ez ziren erromatarrek osasun kontuetarako baliatzen zituzten bitarteko bakarra, erlijioak berebiziko esangura zuen gizarte honetan jainkotasun ezberdinek jokatzen zuten funtzio garrantzitsua osasunean ere islatzen baitzen. Era berean, medikuntzak lotura estua izan zuen magiaren mundu ilunarekin ere, horrela ekuazioa osatzeko elemenu guztiak mahaigainean izanik. [ENG] Since its beginnings, Roman society had been organized in a hierarchical manner, and in this
model women remained legally in the second rank. On the basis of this peculiarity, in part, it
was the example of the ideal Roman “matron” created by society, which confined the woman
to the care of the house and the family, and set her apart from all public life's participation.
Although this pattern continued throughout the Roman period, it progressed further and
further away from reality, as changes in society since the end of the Republic affected
positively in women's lives. Anyway, if there's anything that's been supported up to the
present day, that's the importance of women in health care, because since then women have
had a remarkable significance as midwives, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Nevertheless,
the knowledge of medicine was not the only means by which the Romans used it for health,
in this society where religion was of great importance, different divinities played an
important role in health as well. But medicine also had a close connection with the dark
world of magic, so that all the components for completing the equation are on the table.