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dc.contributor.advisorJiménez Iglesias, Estefanía ORCID
dc.contributor.authorOlveira Araujo, Rubén
dc.description244 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractTrans-friendly news coverage is crucial, as news media can shape the perception and behavior towards the trans population, harm the mental well-being of trans individuals and influences the identification and social transition processes of trans minors. This thesis has three main objectives: to describe the media representation of transsexuality in Spain over the last two decades; to explore the Agenda Building process of Spanish media coverage regarding transsexuality; and to analyze the impact of media representation on the social transitions of Spanish trans minors. Seven studies were conducted using quantitative content analyses and in-depth interviews. The findings of this research suggest that news media attention to trans issues in Spain has grown significantly in the early 21st century as a matter of public interest. News coverage of trans issues has diversified, and media delegitimization of transsexuality has decreased. News values like conflict, periodicity, intelligibility, and human interest have played a significant role in integrating trans issues into the news media agenda. Moreover, the sex of the reporter and the reporting experience on trans issues may not be as influential as one's personal attitudes, values, and beliefs. Intermedia Agenda Setting dynamics have been essential too and the media relations strategies employed by NGOs of families with trans minors have contributed to increase media attention and improve the overall news coverage of transsexuality. News coverage focused on trans children and adolescents seems to be the most influential in the identification and social transition processes of Spanish trans minors. Taken together, this thesis contributes to a holistic understanding of the intersection between transsexuality and the Spanish news media.es_ES
dc.subjectsocial communicationses_ES
dc.subjectcomunicaciones socialeses_ES
dc.titleThe (R)Evolution of News Media Discourse on Transexuality. Representation, agenda building an socialTransitionses_ES
dc.rights.holder(c) 2023 RUBEN OLVEIRA ARAUJO
dc.departamentoesComunicación audiovisual y publicidades_ES
dc.departamentoeuIkus-entzunezko komunikazioa eta publizitateaes_ES

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