Jarduera fisiko hezitzailea eskola adinean: gorputz heziketaren eta eskola kirolaren arteko elkarlana.
Ikusi/ Ireki
Larrañaga Arzubialde, Peru
[EUS] Eskola adinean, Gorputz Heziketa eta Eskola Kirola jarduera fisikoa praktikatzeko eremu erreferenteak dira Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan. Biek izaera hezitzailea dute, ikasleen garapenean ekarpen positiboa egitea dute helburu; garapen fisikoan, intelektualean, emozionalean eta sozialean. Lan honetan, Eskola Kirola eta Gorputz Heziketak dituzten antzekotasunak eta loturak aztertu dira. Horretarako ikerketa bat burutu dut Eskola Kirolean parte hartzen duten monitore eta koordinatzaileen artean. Ikerketa hau bi galdetegiren bitartez burutu dut, metodologia kuantitatibo eta kualitatiboak baliatuz. Emaitzek erakutsi dutenez, Eskola Kirolaren eta Gorputz Heziketaren artean: helburuei dagokionez, lotura handia dago, baina errealitatean ez dago koordinazio edo elkarlan handirik bi eremuen artean; eta Eskola Kirolaren helburua hezitzailea dela argi geratu bada ere, helburu hezitzaile hau bermatzeko baliabideak falta direla. [ENG] In an increasingly sedentary society, the lifestyle of children has changed greatly.
Physical activity is necessary to ensure the comprehensive development of students and
their benefits to their physical and mental health. At school age, physical education and
school sport are the reference areas for the practice of physical activity in the Autonomous
Community of the Basque Country. Both of them have an educational character, and are
intended to contribute positively to the development of students; to physical, intellectual,
emotional and social development. In this work the similarities and connections of school
sport and physical education have been studied. To this end, I have conducted a study
among the monitors and coordinators involved in school sport. I've done this research
through two questionnaires, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The results
have shown that there is a strong link between School Sport and Physical Education in
terms of objectives, but in reality there is little coordination or collaboration between the two
areas; and although it has become clear that the objective of School Sport is educational,
there is a lack of resources to ensure this educational objective